Cipher (Demonica Underworld #8) - Larissa Ione Page 0,64

time in months, Cipher truly relaxed.

He was home.

He glanced around, frowning as he realized that shit was a mess. Statues were toppled, pillars smashed, and even a couple of trees were down. Memitim were working to clean up, although several had stopped what they were doing to watch the Cipher Show.

“What happened?”

Maddox jerked his thumb toward Azagoth’s mansion. “Pops got into it with Reaver and Revenant.”


Jasmine shook her dark head. “Dunno.”

“Where is he?” He was almost afraid to ask, and Lyre gave his hand a comforting squeeze.

“Last time I saw him he was with Lilliana,” Rico said.

Well, that was interesting. And potentially good news for Azagoth’s mood. “I thought Lilliana left him.”

“Dude, she’s back,” Journey said. “Like, last week. And get this, she’s pregnant!”

Cipher stared in disbelief. “No. Seriously?”

Hawkyn nodded. “She just showed up one day, nine months pregnant.”

Holy shit. “How did your father take it?”

“I’ve never seen him happier.” Hawkyn gestured toward all the destroyed shit. “I mean, you know, as happy as he gets.”

“I have a theory.” Maddox took an enormous gulp of the soda in his hand. “What if the baby’s not his?”

All heads swiveled toward Mad.

“What?” That came from everyone.

“Think about it, yo. She was gone nine months. She’s nine months pregnant. She could have boned some dude after she left, like she was getting back at him or something, and bam! Preggo. She had to come back so he’d think it was his. You watch. This baby will be ‘late.’” He added a wink to the last bit.

Journey scowled at his brother. “You’re such a jackass.”

“And how.” Hawkyn opened his mouth to say something else, but abruptly, the ground shifted and the air went still and cold.

Oh, fuck.

“Uh-oh,” Maddox said in a quiet, singsong voice. “Daddy’s here.”

Cipher shot Hawkyn a look, and Hawk dipped his head in understanding. Knowing his friend would keep Lyre safe, Cipher moved toward Azagoth, a cold knot of anticipation tightening in his chest.

At least he’s in his fallen angel suit.

It was a small comfort that Azagoth was striding down the path in black slacks and a matching shirt instead of wearing scales and horns, but Cipher would take what he could get. Especially because, even from twenty paces away, he could see flames dancing in Azagoth’s unyielding emerald eyes.

The Grim Reaper was extra grim today.

Adrenaline shot through Cipher as he prepared for whatever Azagoth was going to do to him. In Sheoul-gra, most angelic and demonic abilities were muted or useless, and even if they had been allowed and Cipher was at full strength, he couldn’t stand up against the Grim Reaper’s awesome power.

Azagoth’s boots cracked the pavers as he stopped a mere three feet away, well inside Cipher’s comfort zone. Of course, Cipher’s comfort zone with Azagoth was three miles, not three feet.

Swallowing dryly, Cipher bowed. “My lord—”

“Not. A. Word.” Azagoth’s voice sounded like it had been filtered through the walls of a coffin. “You’re still breathing for one reason. And that reason is Hawkyn.”

Of that, Cipher had no doubt. He inclined his head in a respectful nod and looked back, meeting Hawkyn’s gaze.

Thank you.

Again Hawkyn gave a solemn nod of acknowledgement before a flash of humor crossed his face and he mouthed, You owe me.

A thousand times over, buddy.

“Tell me why you gave the names of my children to my enemy,” Azagoth continued, his expression as cold as his eyes were hot. “Now you may speak. And be careful. Hawkyn only holds so much sway with me.”

Cipher took a deep, bracing breath, and when he spoke, it was with determination, sincerity, and a need to show Azagoth that he wasn’t the devil-may-care playboy he used to be, but he was as loyal as he ever was.

“My lord, I’m sorry about your daughter. I’m so sorry.” He raised his voice, needing everyone to hear this. “I gave the names of Azagoth’s children to Bael in exchange for a chance to escape. I thought I was tricking him. I thought all of those children had already been brought to Sheoul-gra. I didn’t know any were still out in the human realm.” He met the gaze of every single Memitim before turning back to Azagoth, who stared in silent judgment. “I’m sorry,” he repeated, even though it wasn’t enough. There weren’t enough apologies in the universe for this. “I’d take it back if I could.”

“It’s true!” Lyre shoved past the ring of Memitim before Hawkyn could grab her. “He didn’t know. He was devastated when he found out. He wanted revenge Copyright 2016 - 2024