Cipher (Demonica Underworld #8) - Larissa Ione Page 0,20

to punish her with pleasure.

The logical part of him realized that wasn’t much of a punishment.

The horny part of him just couldn’t freaking wait.

With a growl, he ripped open his fly.

She moaned as he pressed the head of his erection against her center, but even though he wanted to drive into her with a frenzied thrust, he was careful. His child was inside her, and he wasn’t going to risk hurting either one of them.

Very slowly, he eased inside her welcoming heat, her slick walls gripping his shaft in an erotic caress.

He wasn’t going to last long, but that was okay. The love of his life had come back to him, and they had eons to make up for lost time.

She sighed his name as he filled her, and the sigh became a husky “Yes” when he began to move, initiating a slow rhythm that was still almost too fast.

“I missed this,” he rasped, his grip tightening on her hips.

He pumped into her, his thrusts coming harder and faster as the pleasure spread and intensified. The soft sounds Lilliana made as she pushed against him, meeting every stroke with enthusiasm, drove him even higher. They’d been a perfect sexual match from the beginning, and after almost a year of separation, nothing had changed.

The first stirrings of climax tingled in his balls and the base of his spine, and before he got too carried away, he thrust his hand between her legs and found her swollen bud. She cried out, bucking at the instant orgasm.

Her pleasure triggered his, and he roared in ecstasy that went beyond the physical. It was mental, emotional, so powerful his wings erupted and shrouded them in a cocoon of passion as he emptied himself inside her. His release peaked, ebbed, and peaked again, repeating the cycle over and over until he lost count and his legs would barely support him.

Finally, as his lust eased, another hunger roared into focus. The intensity of it shocked him, and without thinking, he twisted her head and bit into her throat. She moaned as he took a powerful draw, starved for both the connection and the sweet nectar of nourishment only she could give.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he should be more gentle, but before he could tame his inner beast, another voice pierced his awareness.


The baby. Holy hell, he could feel the baby.

He was a father thousands of times over, but he hadn’t even met most of his children. Those he did know hadn’t come into his life until they were decades, if not centuries, old. This was the first time he’d hold his own infant offspring. The first time he’d fathered a child with a female he loved.

This was everything to him.

The fog dispelled and the sky above turned brilliant blue as his world became right again. He tightened his massive wings around their bodies, shielding them from view.

“Azagoth,” she gasped. “The sky. It’s never been so bright.”

Sated and riding a killer dopamine high, he swiped his tongue over the bite wound to seal it and gathered her against him. After nine agonizing months of separation from his mate, hours of bone-crushing loneliness was at an end.

“Lilli,” he murmured, as he gently pulled her upright so her back was to his chest and they were still connected. “I love you so much.”

She brought one of his hands down to her belly, and his heart fluttered at the movement beneath his palm. “I love you too.”

They were going to have to talk after this. Talk a lot.

But right this minute he was going to revel in the gift he’d just been given.

His mate.

His baby.

Chapter Eight

His computer.

His baby.

As Cipher grabbed his laptop from the pedestal of ice it had been sitting on, he didn’t think he’d ever been happier to see anything in his entire life.

“You assholes better have taken care of it.” He ran his hand over the smooth protective case. “There’s a scratch. See, right there. Fuckers,” he muttered.

“Leave us,” Lyre said to the demon assholes who’d unlocked the room containing Bael’s confiscated loot. “I can handle it from here.”

The demons, who looked and smelled like bloated human corpses wrapped in burlap bags, shuffled across the ice floor and fur rugs toward the door. Before this, Cipher had seen very little of Bael’s castle, but now it seemed that everything had been constructed of either ice, bones, or fur, and nothing melted...not even the working fireplaces made of ice.

Even the door they’d come through Copyright 2016 - 2024