Cinderella's Christmas Secret - Sharon Kendrick Page 0,43

if you find the situation intolerable and ask me for a divorce.’

He looked at her, his eyes cool and expectant, and Hollie felt the lurch of something she couldn’t quite define. Or maybe she just didn’t dare to. Because surely she should be feeling offended by his rather brutal words. Surely she shouldn’t be excited about the thought of getting wed to a man who was clearly offering marriage out of some archaic form of duty? But she was. She couldn’t help herself. She might try to talk herself out of her feelings by applying logic, but they were still her feelings.

The truth was that she found him easy company, too. And while she had no experience of sexual chemistry, she didn’t imagine it was possible for that side of their relationship to get any better.

But the main thing to consider was her baby.

Their baby.

She touched her fingers to her belly and felt a little spark of hope flickering inside her. Didn’t she owe it to this innocent life inside her to offer their child the best possible start in life? To not have to worry about spiralling childcare costs, or the fact that her baby had no contact with a single other blood relative than her. Hadn’t she grown up that way and found it lonely and miserable? And Maximo had experienced that too—he’d effectively admitted it to her earlier.

Yet she didn’t have a clue about what passed for normal behaviour in the world of this privileged billionaire. For all she knew, he might want what she believed was called an ‘open’ marriage and some instinct deep in her gut told her she would find that intolerable.

‘What about fidelity?’ she blurted out. ‘Are you intending to be faithful to me?’

‘I am and I will,’ he said, his voice suddenly growing harsh. ‘But I will also be truthful, Hollie. And if ever I meet a woman I desire more than you, then I will tell you so immediately and we will dissolve our marriage.’

It wasn’t the answer she’d wanted, but she guessed it would have to do. Because although once again his words were brutal, at least they were true. She thought of the story he had told her and the bitter sadness she had seen in his eyes as he’d recounted it. Maximo had his vulnerabilities too, she realised, just like her. Couldn’t they be there for each other—to reach out to each other in times of need—united against a sometimes cruel world?

So Hollie nodded as a sudden sense of calm filled her and the smile she gave him came straight from the heart. ‘Then I will,’ she said softly. ‘I will marry you, Maximo.’


THE THAW SET in and it was as if the snow had never existed. As if it had all been nothing but a dream. As if Christmas Day and the four days which followed had never actually happened.

Except that they had. At the end of that delicious and sensual sojourn in the ancient castle Kastelloes, Maximo Diaz had asked Hollie Walker to marry him. And her future had changed in an instant. Her image of herself as a plucky but sometimes lonely single mother had crumbled away and instead she was having to get her head around the fact that soon she was going to be the wife of the sexy Spanish tycoon.

Maximo was still sleeping as she slipped silently from the bed, wrapping herself in velvet—green today—before staring out of the window. Water was dripping from branches, from bushes—drip-drip-drip. The dark turrets of the castle were no longer topped by a crown of white and nor did the bushes look like giant white stones. The magic had gone, she realised, a sudden whisper of apprehension prickling over her as she studied Maximo’s tousled black head lying against the pillow and all her suppressed fears were suddenly given life.

Would he wake up and regret the resolution they’d come to at the end of Christmas Day, when—possibly affected by the emotional aftermath of the things he’d told her—he had asked her to be his wife? Perhaps it would be better if she gave him the opportunity to retract words he might have delivered too hastily, and she wondered if she could manage to do it in a way which meant that neither of them would lose face.

His lashes fluttered open—so dark against the silken olive of his skin—and mentally Hollie steeled herself against his beauty as he surveyed her through a shuttered gaze.

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