Cinderella's Christmas Secret - Sharon Kendrick Page 0,26

stay here for the time being.’ He lowered her to her feet. ‘Unless that’s what you had in mind all along?’

She moved even further away from him, though that did little to ease the furious punch of her heart. ‘Are you serious? Are you arrogant enough to think I’d deliberately get myself stranded here like this?’

He shrugged. ‘Only you know the answer to that, Hollie. But if you’re asking whether I think a woman is capable of such manipulation, then I’m afraid the answer has to be yes.’

‘Why, you...cynic,’ she breathed.

‘You think so? I prefer to call it realism. But that’s irrelevant.’ He moved towards the door, his muscular body all honed and rippling strength. ‘And rather than standing here debating my perceived defects of character, you’d better come inside, out of the cold.’


MAXIMO SHUT THE door with more force than he intended, his heart racing with...what? Anger at being stuck with an uninvited guest at the worst time of the year? Yes, there was that. But Hollie was not just any uninvited guest. He stared down at the mutinous tremble of her lips and felt the shimmer of something indefinable spearing at his heart. She was the mother of his child, he reminded himself grimly. A child he had never wanted. Because why would he wish to pass on his cold and emotionless genes to an innocent baby?

Yet his feelings of claustrophobia were complicated by a sensation which threatened to derail his intention to keep his distance from the woman he had seduced, and no matter how firmly he spoke to himself, it was having precisely no effect on him. Because every time he looked at Hollie Walker, he felt that same powerful kick of desire. In spite of everything, he still wanted her. He wanted her badly and yet he still couldn’t work out why. He liked his women hard-edged. Tough and sexy. Women who knew the score—not wide-eyed innocents, with lips which trembled when you kissed them.

He preferred considered sex—a careful coupling rather than wild passion which ran the risk of taking a man hostage. He drew his boundaries from the outset. He preferred to be in the driving seat when it came to relationships and women were so eager for his body and his company that they invariably acceded to his demands. Yet with Hollie Walker, hadn’t he already broken one of his self-imposed rules? They said a woman was a mystery until you bedded her and once that happened, she inevitably lost some of that allure. That had always been the case before, so why wasn’t it happening now?

Why did he want to discover more about her? And why the hell was he experiencing an overwhelming need to tumble her down and cover her soft body with the hot, hard heat of his own until she cried out his name? She might currently be glaring at him as if he were the devil incarnate, but her anger didn’t quite mask her own desire. No. Not at all. The faint flush of her cheeks and the darkening of her spectacular grey eyes was a pretty reliable indicator that she was far from immune to him. And since they were stuck with each other until the snow melted, perhaps it might be a good idea to capitalise on that potent sexual chemistry.

They had to do something to occupy themselves during the long hours ahead and tomorrow was Christmas Day—a holiday which up until now had always been something he just needed to survive, but now he could see the possibility of transforming it into something else.

Something erotic.

The clench in his gut was sweetly pervasive until the split second when he noticed the flash of vulnerability which had crossed her pale face and silently he remonstrated with himself, forcing himself to listen to reason.

You don’t have to have sex with her. You just have to provide shelter until the weather breaks and get through the next few hours.

‘I’ll show you where you can sleep,’ he said tightly.

‘I’m sure that won’t be necessary,’ she said, equally tightly. ‘I’m not planning on staying any longer than I need to.’

‘You’ll stay until it’s safe to return and that certainly won’t be before nightfall.’

Their eyes met in a silent clash of wills, until eventually she backed down and nodded.

‘Then it seems I have no choice.’

‘That’s right,’ he agreed softly. ‘You don’t. Now come with me.’

Hollie felt chewed up as she trailed behind Maximo up the curving stone staircase which led to Copyright 2016 - 2024