Cinderella's Christmas Secret - Sharon Kendrick Page 0,20

the one with the interest in castles, Maximo,’ she said coldly. ‘I told you at the time I was okay with it.’

‘Women say all kinds of things they don’t mean, Hollie. They say them to save face, or sometimes to convince themselves that they actually believe them.’

She glared at him. ‘And you were so certain I’d be a thorn in your side with my unwanted devotion that you didn’t want to risk a return visit, is that it? Were you worried I’d believe I was hopelessly in love with you?’

‘That was always a possibility.’

‘Even though you’re proving to be so arrogant and unlikeable?’

He shrugged. ‘You were an innocent. A virgin. Sometimes a woman’s first experience of sex can warp her judgement, particularly if it was as good as yours was. I’d warned you what kind of man I was but I wasn’t sure whether you wanted to believe it. But all that is irrelevant now.’

He realised she was looking at him and the reproach on her flushed face suggested she had been hurt by his condemnatory assessment of their night together. But he wasn’t going to tell lies in order to spare her feelings. She needed to know the truth, because surely that would limit the painful repercussions of a situation he had been so determined not to create during his own lifetime. The legacy of his upbringing was bitter enough to taint him for ever and he didn’t want to feel trapped. Not ever again.

‘I’ve never wanted marriage or children,’ he bit out. ‘And while the first is within my power to control, the second is clearly not.’

‘But I’m not asking you for anything!’ she declared furiously, her fists still clenched and looking as if she would like to use them to punch him. ‘I can manage perfectly well on my own.’

He glanced around the small room. At the hand-knitted blanket on the battered sofa. At tired-looking walls, which even the rainbow glow from the fairy lights on the Christmas tree couldn’t quite disguise. He remembered the narrow bed in the cold bedroom upstairs, where he had torn the clothes from his body with the eagerness of a boy who had never had sex before. And the speed with which he had made his escape the following morning, issuing a terse directive to his chauffeur to get him the hell out of there when the car had arrived.

And all he could think was—what had he done?

‘What, here?’ he demanded. ‘You think you can bring up this baby here, in a place like this?’

‘Of course I can! It may not be grand and I may not have a lot of spare cash, but I will manage. I don’t know how, but I will. I’m not deluding myself that it’s going to be easy, but I’m not afraid of hard work. It won’t hurt me to scrimp and save and go without—but there’s one thing my baby will never go short of, and that’s love!’

An expression of such fierce protectiveness came over her face, that Maximo found himself unexpectedly humbled by her fervour, until he reminded himself that words were cheap. ‘Very admirable,’ he drawled.

‘I’m not seeking your approval.’ Angrily, she shook her head. ‘In fact, I don’t want anything from you, Maximo Diaz. Because I don’t need you! Do you understand?’

But he shook his head, as if she hadn’t spoken. ‘I am not dishonourable enough to desert you in your time of need, just as long as your expectations don’t exceed what I am prepared to offer you,’ he bit out, withdrawing his wallet from his inside pocket and extracting a business card. He slapped the card down beside the Christmas tree with more force than he had intended, causing the flimsy baubles to jangle before striding towards the front door, barely able to contain the anger which was simmering up inside him.

He pulled open the door. ‘You can telephone my office and they will give you contact details of my lawyer, who will fine-tune all the necessary arrangements,’ he concluded icily. ‘You will have the necessary funds to employ nannies, chauffeurs, cleaners—whatever it is you think you might need to make your life easier once you have a child. But there is one thing you’re never going to get, Hollie—at least, not from me—and that’s a father for your baby.’


‘HOLLIE, ARE YOU even listening to what I’m saying?’

Hollie swallowed. No, of course she wasn’t listening—not properly, anyway. She hadn’t been fully concentrating on Janette’s words, just as she Copyright 2016 - 2024