Cinderella's Christmas Secret - Sharon Kendrick Page 0,14

her relax into what was happening as her body adjusted around him and his incredible width. He began to move again, each thrust seeming to fill her completely—and the sensation of his flesh inside her flesh, of somehow being at one with him, blew her mind as nothing ever had before.

Did she wrap her legs around his waist to make his penetration even deeper, or had he guided her into doing that? Hollie wasn’t sure. The only thing she was sure of was that those feelings were building up inside her again, taking her higher and higher towards another incredible peak. And then she reached it. Almost without expecting to, she stumbled over the edge and went into free fall and Hollie screamed out her pleasure—she who had never screamed in her life. As she began to spasm around him, she could feel his body begin to buck with pleasure as he bit out words in fractured Spanish—harsh sounds which seemed to split the night.

His movements seemed to go on and on and never had she been so aware of each and every sensation. She could feel the ragged pull of oxygen into her lungs as she tried to steady her breathing. She could hear the muffled pounding of her heart. There was a fine sheen of sweat on Maximo’s shoulders and she could detect a raw and very distinctive masculine scent in the air. And now he was heavy against her—as heavy as her eyelids, which felt as if they had been weighted with lead. A sigh fluttered from her lips as she snuggled into his arms and she must have dozed off. Perhaps he did too, for when she woke it was to the realisation that he was growing hard inside her again and Hollie gave a hungry little yelp of longing. Her arms tightened around him and as she began to writhe against him, she could hear herself making wordless sounds of demand against his skin.

‘No.’ Cutting short her next wriggle of anticipation with a curt order, he carefully withdrew from her.

She was aware of him rolling away and then, to her horror—he carefully peeled off the condom before getting out of bed. His black hair was ruffled as he stared down at her, his jet eyes unreadable as their gazes clashed.

‘Where’s the bathroom?’

Startled, Hollie searched her befuddled brain for a coherent response. ‘J-just along the corridor. You can’t miss it.’

After he’d gone, she just lay there, her thoughts in a muddle. At first it shamed her to think she’d just been intimate with a man who didn’t even know the layout of her house, but Hollie quickly remonstrated with herself. She wasn’t going to feel any kind of shame—otherwise what would be the point? And she certainly wasn’t going to start getting squeamish and wonder what he’d done with the condom. In fact, she refused to feel any negativity at all about what had just happened. She’d just had sex with a man she fancied very much and it had been amazing. Women the world over did this sort of thing all the time. She had joined the party at last—she certainly hadn’t done anything wrong.

Sitting up in bed, she smoothed down the mussed tumble of her hair and then Maximo walked back into the room—or maybe she should say sauntered—looking totally comfortable with his own nakedness, in all its olive-dark gloriousness. She half expected him to reach for his clothes and start getting dressed, and she told herself she would be okay with that—because what choice did she have?—but to her astonishment, he climbed right back into bed beside her. And then Hollie experienced a little shiver of self-recrimination. Did she think so little of herself that she’d thought he would be out of there as fast as his legs could carry him?

She turned to face him, waiting for him to take the lead, because what did a woman do in a situation like this? She had no idea and no experience. Was she supposed to praise him, or thank him for the most incredible happening of her entire life? Or act all cool, as if it were no big deal? Why didn’t some enterprising person write a sexual etiquette book for virgins? she wondered.

He lay down beside her and for a moment she thought he was about to lean over and kiss her again and, oh, how she wished he would. But instead, he pushed away some of the hair which had fallen into Copyright 2016 - 2024