Cinderella's Christmas Secret - Sharon Kendrick Page 0,12

down. And she didn’t avert her gaze, not once. Even when he kicked off his boxer shorts to reveal the powerful shaft of his erection, though it was the first time she had ever seen a naked man before.

He climbed into bed beside her and when he took her in his arms, she felt so warm and—that she buried her head in his shoulder, overcome by a sudden emotion she couldn’t put a name to.

‘Mi belleza...’ he breathed, exploring her trembling flesh with his fingers until she felt as if she were melting, and then unclipping her bra so that her large breasts came tumbling out. And when he put his mouth to her puckered nipple and sucked, Hollie felt as if she were going to dissolve with pleasure.

How could it be that she wasn’t feeling the slightest bit shy? Even though she was wearing nothing but a pair of panties, which were growing damper by the second as she clung to him as if her life depended on it. Because that was what it felt like. As if she hadn’t known what it was to be properly alive before Maximo Diaz kissed her. As if she’d die if she didn’t get more of him. More of this...this fierce flame of desire which was arrowing through her body and setting her on fire, making her feel as if she were on the verge of hurtling towards some place of unimaginable bliss.

‘Maximo,’ she breathed, her voice sounding slurred and nothing like her voice at all. ‘That is incredible.’

His dark head lifted its attention from her breast and his eyes grew smoky as he moved up the bed to kiss her again, his tongue nudging inside her parted lips. And Hollie let her tongue fence with his, loving this brand-new intimacy as her breasts pressed eagerly against his bare chest, as if her button-hard nipples were trying to communicate some unspoken need to him. And instantly he answered it, his hand reaching down to run his fingertip over the damp gusset of her panties. She quivered as he brushed against her swollen bud through the sodden material and felt the whisper of his words on her lip.

‘And so are you.’ He shook his head and swallowed. ‘I never imagined you’d be so...’

‘So, what?’ she questioned breathlessly.

He seemed to recover some of his poise, tugging at the elasticated edge of her plain panties. ‘Well, you’re a little overdressed, for one thing.’

‘Am I?’

‘Mmm...’ For a moment he grazed another teasing fingertip over her damp panties, which made her squirm with delight and frustration, before sliding them off and allowing them to join the tangle of other clothes which were scattered over the floor of her small bedroom. ‘But you are also hot. Surprisingly hot. Like my every fantasy brought to life. Who knew?’

‘So are you,’ she whispered boldly, splaying her fingers over his bare chest and thinking how rich his olive skin looked in the soft lamplight. Tentatively she rubbed at one of his nipples, silently enjoying his corresponding shudder of pleasure which gave her the confidence to return the compliment. ‘You are my every fantasy, too.’

For a moment he grew still, then drew his head away from hers. His black eyes were narrowed but there was no mistaking the sudden warning which glinted from their ebony depths. ‘But fantasies aren’t real,’ he said silkily. ‘We both know that, don’t we?’

‘No, of course they’re not. Absolutely they’re not.’ Eager to convey her agreement, Hollie nodded, instinctively knowing what he wanted, or, more importantly, what he didn’t want. He didn’t want her reading too much into this and falling for him and, to be honest, that was the last thing she wanted either. She didn’t know much about what made men tick but she’d recognised from the get-go that Maximo Diaz was the last person to hitch her star to. Yes, she’d had a crush on him since the first time they’d met and, yes, that feeling had just grown and grown—but she certainly wasn’t alone in feeling that way. That she now found herself naked in bed with him wasn’t something she’d imagined would happen, not in her wildest dreams. That it had happened in a way which seemed completely natural made her feel comfortable with her own body for the first time in her life and she was grateful to him for that. So why should she deny herself the inevitable outcome of them being here like this?

Why should she?

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