Christmas Wishes - Sue Moorcroft Page 0,31

Parkway and out of the city. Familiar scenery whizzing past the car window, Hannah fairly buzzed at the realisation that it was finally here, this special weekend with her lovely, jolly family. ‘What’s been happening?’ she demanded.

Rob groaned as he changed lanes. ‘Han, you FaceTimed us yesterday! Do you think a Martian’s turned up to take the service, or something?’ Then his face altered. ‘Actually, one thing’s happened.’ He took the road that headed north-east in the direction of Bettsbrough. ‘Nico Pettersson’s bringing two little girls to the wedding instead of one.’

Hannah stared at his profile. ‘I presume one’s his daughter. Where did he get the spare?’

‘His ex’s daughter, Maria. Loren’s got problems and the little kid’s got nowhere else to go. She’s Josie’s half-sister so he’s stepped in.’

Hannah absorbed this information. ‘Is he back with Loren?’ Though she didn’t know Nico’s ex she felt a reconciliation might not be good for him. He’d given Hannah the distinct impression ending things had been his only choice.

Rob checked his mirrors then overtook a small red car. ‘I don’t think so. He rang yesterday and asked would it cause a shedload of problems if he brought little Maria along. He took her for a few days as an emergency measure but he’s had her for nearly two weeks. He didn’t go into details as to how that happened but we said bringing her would be fine. He’d booked a family room anyway and the meal’s a buffet so it’ll stretch to include an extra two-year-old.’

‘Wow. Odd he should end up looking after the baby who wrecked his marriage.’ But then they were sweeping up the drive to Port Manor Hotel and she bounced from the car and into the arms of her family, driving Nico’s problems from her mind.

‘Mum, you look lovely! Love the haircut, Dad.’ She swapped hugs with her stocky mum and gangly dad then swooped on a tiny woman leaning on a walking stick. ‘Nan! How lovely to see you.’ Her grandmother possessed neither computer nor smartphone and though they were able to chat on the landline – what Nan referred to as ‘the proper phone’ – it wasn’t the same as seeing her dear face.

‘Well, don’t squash me,’ Nan joked from the depths of a hug. Her eyes twinkled through thick glasses, her face creased with ninety years of smiles. Her curls, newly set, looked as if they’d been cast in silver.

Hannah beamed at everyone and dealt breezily with the subject of her solo status. ‘Albin sends his best wishes and hopes we enjoy the big day.’

Her mother, Mo, who’d worn the same pudding-basin bob ever since Hannah could remember, pressed her lips together.

It was left to Dad Jeremy to smile peaceably. ‘That’s nice, dear. Look, here comes Leesa’s retinue.’ They turned to greet the SUV lumbering up the drive. Leesa’s parents were no longer around but her sister Jemima, nieces Saffi and Raya and bestie Amanda Louise were with her. As the doors flew open everyone began to speak.

‘Hannah! Hellooo—’

‘Hi, everyone—’

‘The traffic was horrendous—’

‘We’re going to be bridesmaids and wear pretty dresses!’

They tumbled out, Leesa smiling blindingly at Rob as she stepped into his arms and the bubble of happiness they shared. Tears pricked Hannah’s eyes. She was never sure about big weddings because of the costs but she suddenly understood Leesa and Rob wanting to invite half the world to witness the pledging of their lives to one another. It arose from pure joy.

Cool, blonde Amanda Louise brushed kisses on cheeks and said to the gathering at large, ‘I’m worried sick something will go wrong.’

Hannah masked her irritation with a grin. ‘You only have to get dressed and turn up, don’t you? Leesa and Jemima have planned everything else.’ Then the celebrants arrived for the rehearsal, two well-upholstered ladies in a well-upholstered car, and the events manager came to guide everybody inside Port Manor Hotel, a restored manor house with all the pomp and glory that implied. Hannah offered her arm to Nan to negotiate the steps up to the baronial polished wood doors. The party quietened as they formed a procession across the marble floor beneath crystal chandeliers, Rob and Leesa walking hand in hand at the head.

Hannah was very, very glad to be part of this wedding.

Friday passed in a blur of checking things that had been checked ten times already and welcoming family. Some were staying at Port Manor Hotel, others with Mo and Jeremy in Middledip. Rob was occupying his childhood room Copyright 2016 - 2024