The Christmas Proposal - Miley Maine Page 0,28

long drive at all to get to my work, but a bit longer than the one I might have had if I’d caved in and bought an apartment instead. I had seriously considered the possibility for a while before settling on either, but I soon realized that I liked living in a house much more than I enjoyed being in an apartment. In my mind, it was worth the slightly longer drive. I had more privacy, more quiet, more space, and a sense of permanence that I found apartments didn’t provide. So, I found a cute house in an expensive neighborhood and called that my home, no matter how little time I actually ended up spending there.

We parked the car and walked over to the bakery instead of asking Ryan to get something for us. It was a block away from my building and thrived on the morning crowd of workers from all around the area. Indeed, there was already a long line and workers were rushing about to fulfill the orders. They were pretty efficient, so it wasn’t long before Serenity and I had grabbed a couple of croissants and a cup of hot cocoa for her and were on our way back to the office building.

“It’ll be a busy day,” I said as we walked back. “I’ll have you do some basic paper filing for now. I’ll be in and out of meetings for a good part of the day, but I’ll make sure that there is someone around in case you have any questions.”

“Okay,” she said, looking up at me with a smile. “Do we have any plans for lunch? Or dinner?”

“I’ll be taking lunch in my office, but you’re welcome to go out if you want. I can make sure you have the money for it. Depending on how things go, I might be staying late at the office, so I’ll probably have dinner there, too. I can have someone drive you home if you would like to leave early.”

She shook her head. “No, I think I’ll stay.”

“You sure?”


“Alright, well, just let me know if you change your mind. I don’t want you to get too tired,” I said. The two of us went up to my office, greeting people on the way.

I called Ryan in to get some paperwork for Serenity to file, and then it was off to my meetings.

It wasn’t until after lunch that I came back to my office. I was surprised to see that Serenity wasn’t there, but perhaps she had gotten caught up in the crowd and would be back soon.

My question as to her whereabouts got answered soon enough when I sat down and almost jumped out of my seat when I saw that she was kneeling under my desk.

“What are you doing there? I thought you were filing paperwork.”

“I, ummm, finished, and I thought you might be back soon,” she explained, a flush of pink covering her face. “I wanted to help you relax.”

It clicked then what she wanted to do, what she was trying to suggest.

“Serenity….” I wanted to tell her about what I had thought earlier, and that the two of us really shouldn’t be having this type of relationship right now. But the way she looked up at me made the words stop in my throat.

Fuck that, I wanted her and she wanted me, too. I could figure out how to deal with things later if they got too messy, but for the moment all I wanted was for her to do exactly as she was suggesting.

I smiled down at her before putting on an aloof expression. “Is that how it is? Were you bored waiting for me? Do you crave my taste that much?” I reached down, tracing one finger along her jawline. She shivered beneath my touch, and my cock began to throb. Fuck, she made me hard.

“I want to please you,” she insisted, looking up at me with wide eyes. Gently, she set her hands on top of my knees. “Let me please you.”

“You ask in that voice, looking up at me like that, and expect me to refuse? Of course I’ll let you please me.”

When I noticed that she seemed hesitant, I asked, “Do you need me to walk you through it?”

She nodded. “Yes, please. I want to know how you like it best.”

I groaned. “Well, obviously, I love having a pretty girl suck me off. But I love telling her how to do it even more.”

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