The Christmas Proposal - Miley Maine Page 0,19

to change now that I had an internship with Grayson.

“Got everything?” he asked once I closed the door behind me.

“Yeah, all ready to go,” I replied.

“Alright, then off we go.” He pulled out into the street, then began to drive down the roads that I had known since my childhood. It felt strange to leave them, especially with Grayson, and part of me felt a dawning concern that I’d never come back. But I shook that feeling off and focused on the exciting trip ahead.

I’d never been to the private airfield where the jet was already waiting for us, so after a while the streets became strange and unfamiliar. I didn’t mind, though; it kind of made it easier. I just stared out the window, absorbing the new scenery and drinking in Grayson’s company.

The two of us didn’t speak much on the drive to the jet, both tired and Grayson probably stressed about whatever crisis called him back so soon, so we just listened to the radio station that Grayson had turned on. Whenever a love song came on, I found myself looking over at him and fantasizing about how things could be. I knew that wasn’t exactly smart, but it was the only thing I knew how to do.

Once we arrived, I couldn’t help but gasp. I had known we were taking a private jet, but the reality of it didn’t hit me until we were already standing in front of it. It seemed so luxurious, so out of place among the rest of my life. I had never thought that such a day as this might come. Flying to LA on a billionaire’s private jet? Is this really me?

“You’ll get used to it,” Grayson leaned over to whisper in my ear.

I shook my head. “I don’t know if I ever could. It’s too...big.”

He shrugged. “It’s alright to feel that way—shows that you’re humble and not entitled. Your parents would be proud.”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t exactly call myself humble, but I guess you’re partly right.”

Greeting his flight crew, Grayson helped me up and into the plane. The interior was even more luxurious than the outside, with cream leather seats and red accenting. The carpet looked freshly steamed and there were already snacks and drinks waiting for us. It felt so spacious inside, but I guessed that was only to be expected. After all, it wasn’t crammed full of seats and people like most planes tended to be. There was space to move around, and even a sofa and a flat screen TV.

“Is this how you usually travel?” I asked, turning to Grayson.

He nodded. “It’s fast and efficient, and I can easily get work done while flying. Now come on, we have to buckle up for take-off.”

“Okay.” I sat in one of the comfy leather seats and strapped myself in, taking a sip of the mixed drink on the tray in front of me. It was fruity, sweet, and had just a hint of a kick. Normally I didn’t drink mixed drinks like this because it was too easy to lose track of how much alcohol you had actually consumed, but I trusted Grayson and the flight wasn’t going to be that long anyways.

Just like any other plane, the private jet roared to life beneath us once all the initial checks were completed. Take-off was quite a bit smoother than I was used to (I hadn’t flown much, but the times I had were in very cramped conditions), and it wasn’t long before we were at a stable height and Grayson told me that I could now take off my seatbelt and roam around if I wished.

Once I had unclipped my seat belt, Grayson turned to me with a mischievous smile. “Well?”

“Well, what?” I cocked my head, confused as to what kind of an answer he wanted from me.

“Well, what would you like to do? We have maybe an hour before we land, perhaps less. The jet is all yours.”

There was definitely a hint to what exactly he wanted to do lying behind his words. As he said, we had plenty of time, plenty of space, and plenty of privacy. Who wouldn’t want to join the Mile High Club in this instance?

I looked around. “Is there a bed somewhere in here?”

Grayson let out a deep laugh and I blushed. “Why? Are you looking to take a nap?”

I shook my head. Perhaps I had misinterpreted what he wanted. “Not exactly.”

“Don’t worry, Serenity, I know what you mean. I don’t usually take Copyright 2016 - 2024