A Christmas Match (Landon House #4) - Rose Pearson Page 0,58

to listen. Walking swiftly, but doing all he could to keep his composure and his expression steady, Benedict made his way through the ballroom and towards the door. This night, the evening he had been looking forward to, had suddenly become one of the most disastrous nights of his life - and all he could think of was Lady Charity. Where was she? And just what would she now be thinking of him?

Chapter Thirteen

“How are you, my dear?”

Charity gave Lady Hayward a wan smile. Last evening had not gone as she had expected and the embarrassment of what had occurred lingered with her still.

“I am…”

She trailed off, not quite certain how to answer the lady. What was it she felt at present? Yes, she had been caught by embarrassment last evening, to the point that Lady Hayward had thought it best they step away from the scene, but that had not been what had kept her from sleep. There was, unfortunately, a small niggle of doubt in her heart which would not leave her, no matter what she attempted.

“Sit down and let me fetch you some tea,” Lady Hayward said, as Charity realized she had done nothing other than stand after entering the room, rather than sit down anywhere. “Come over by the fire.”

Charity did as she was asked, seating herself by the fire and allowing the warmth to spread over her.

“I can imagine that you must be a little troubled after last evening,” Lady Hayward said, handing Charity a teacup and saucer. “For Lady Norwich to behave like that was utterly disgraceful!”

Charity bit her lip and looked away, her eyes drawn to the flames which burned merrily in the grate. She watched the yellow and the orange meld together, occasionally seeing a flash of blue where the heat was at its height – and allowed herself to speak the words that had been lingering in her mind.

“I did see him speak to Lady Norwich at length, before he approached me.”

Her voice was quiet, her words holding no strength, but when she glanced at Lady Hayward, Charity saw there was a deep frown beginning to form on the lady’s face.

“That may be so, Lady Charity, but surely you cannot imagine that there was even a modicum of truth in what Lady Norwich said?” Lady Hayward asked, leaning forward to pick up her own teacup. “The lady is clearly quite determined to regain Lord Hosmer’s acquaintance, for whatever reason, but I do not think that there is any such desire on his part.”

“I want to believe that it is so,” Charity replied, finding it difficult to explain all that she felt, “but there is a part of me which realizes the truth of the matter.”

“Which is?” Lady Hayward prompted, one eyebrow arched.

“Which is that there was a strong bond between Lord Hosmer and Lady Norwich,” Charity answered, a tightness squeezing her heart painfully. “He has been lost these last few years because of her absence, because of her choice. The pain he felt has lingered and he had chosen to remain there, clearly distraught over what occurred. When the chance is offered to him to return to her side, might there not be some possibility that he would do so, given how strongly he felt for her?”

Lady Hayward paused for a moment, her head tilting just a little as she looked at Charity.

“Do you truly believe that, Charity?” she asked, as Charity dropped her head, feeling all the more embarrassed. “Is there a part of you which thinks such a thing might be true?”

“There is,” Charity admitted, speaking so quietly that she knew Lady Hayward would struggle to hear her. “I confess that what Lady Dewsbury said, in particular, has not yet left my thoughts.”

“I see.” Lady Hayward let out a long breath, then shook her head. “Lady Charity,” she continued, after a few moments. “Allow me to remind you of the scene that I walked into only a few days ago. Lord Hosmer had taken your hand, I believe. I do not know precisely what had passed between you, but it was something of significance, was it not?” Charity blushed and nodded, instantly recalling the moment that Lord Hosmer had lifted her hand to his lips, as a fleeting warmth began to spread through her heart, only to fade again in a few moments. “Do you truly believe that a gentleman who is clearly so very eager to continue to further his acquaintance with you will, in fact, then return

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