A Christmas Match (Landon House #4) - Rose Pearson Page 0,23

speak privately with a gentleman, even if they were within the same room as other people. And yet, his legs took him to Lady Charity as she moved across the room towards the large windows, feeling the slight coolness rub at his cheeks as they stepped away from the roaring fire.

“Lord Hosmer.” Lady Charity turned to look at him directly, as a burst of laughter came from Lord Ramsbury and Lady Hayward. “I wanted very much to speak to you about last evening.”

Benedict cleared his throat, his hands behind his back.

“There is no need to do so,” he replied, as Lady Charity shook her head. “I am only glad that –”

“It meant a very great deal,” Lady Charity interrupted, before he could finish. “I do not think that you are fully aware of the gravity of the situation, Lord Hosmer. Lord Amundsen, I believe, was attempting to force a match between us. The look on his face when he stood before me and practically demanded….”

She trailed off, clearly unable to finish speaking, the last few words strained and tight.

Benedict felt his heart twist in his chest.

“I am only glad that I was able to do so, Lady Charity,” he said, gently, no longer as irritated as before. “As I was saying to Ramsbury only a few minutes ago, it was just by sheer luck that I saw you and Lord Amundsen. I could tell from the look on your face that he was pressing his advantage.” He shook his head, feeling a trace of anger begin to burn in his heart. “Lord Amundsen is not a gentleman, nor ought to be considered as one. I am sorry that he treated you so.”

“There must be something I can do to show you my gratitude,” Lady Charity said, after a few moments, her voice no longer strained. “Some way that I can aid you, as you have aided me.”

Shaking his head, Benedict held up his hands.

“There is no need for you to do so, Lady Charity, truly.”

She looked back at him, considering.

“I do not think I will accept such a statement from you, Lord Hosmer,” she said, quietly. “I will do what I can to encourage you, mayhap?”

A small gleam came into her eye but Benedict only frowned.

“I do not know what you mean.”

“It appears that you find London most melancholy,” she replied, spreading her hands. “Perhaps I should make it my duty to encourage you to find a little more enjoyment, in the hope that this will lift your spirits.”

A flicker of worry snapped across Benedict’s forehead.

“There is no need, Lady Charity,” he said, firmly. “I am quite contented, truly.”

“What is this?”

Ramsbury’s voice carried across the room to where Benedict and Lady Charity were speaking.

“Did I hear you say that you are contented, Hosmer?”

Benedict opened his mouth to state that there was no need for Ramsbury to listen to his conversation, only for Lady Charity to respond.

“Yes, Lord Ramsbury, that is precisely what Lord Hosmer has stated,” she said, with a small frown. “Do you mean to say that you do not believe it to be so?”

At this, Ramsbury let out a guffaw of laughter with Lady Ramsbury laughing quietly also. Lady Charity, clearly interested in what they both had to say about the matter, drew nearer so that she might continue the conversation – whereas Benedict remained precisely where he was.

“Might I ask what brought this discussion about?” Ramsbury asked, as Lady Charity sat down in a chair near Lady Ramsbury. “Surely Hosmer did not tell you as much simply out of his own free will?”

Lady Charity cast a quick glance back towards Benedict and Benedict grimaced, wishing that he had the authority to demand that she say nothing.

“I – I was offering to encourage Lord Hosmer to greater cheer during his time in London, in whatever way I can,” Lady Charity replied, speaking a little tentatively. “Given what he has done to save my reputation, I thought it only fair to attempt to repay his kindness in some way.”

“That is very good of you, Charity,” Lady Ramsbury said, throwing a quick glance towards Benedict. “Lord Hosmer told you, however, that he has no need of such encouragements, because he is so very contented at present?”

The incredulous sound to her voice made Benedict wince and he looked away, having no desire to go and sit near to them at all.

“He did,” Lady Charity replied, casting an uncertain look towards Benedict. “I – I sought only to be of aid in

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