Christmas at the Little Waffle Shack - Helen J. Rolfe Page 0,101

ask, what did your mum whisper in your ear earlier?’

‘She told me to have a shave before I meet my in-laws. I assume I’ll get to meet them someday.’

‘You certainly will. But do me a favour? Don’t shave.’ She reached a hand out to trace the stubble on his jaw. ‘That look is beyond sexy on you, I don’t ever want you to change.’

‘I wouldn’t want you to change either, Lucy.’

And when he kissed her this time before they made their way from the Little Waffle Shack down past the village Christmas tree, their footprints in the snow going in one direction before a fresh layer could erase all evidence, she knew her future was well and truly here in Heritage Cove.

And it was set to be the best Christmas Lucy had had in a long while.


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Summer Serendipity at the Twist and Turn Bakery

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A Letter from Helen

Thank you so much for reading Christmas at the Little Waffle Shack. I’ve loved returning to Heritage Cove to write the second book in the series, and especially enjoyed setting it at Christmas time with the village tree, all the lights and of course the shop fronts decorated for the season. I’m pleased Daniel got to feature in this book two and hope you enjoyed the way his story unfolded.

A heartfelt thanks to all my readers who have followed me on social media or got in touch via my website to let me know their thoughts on my books. You are all so very appreciated and keep the comments coming! I’d also like to say a huge thank you to every one who reviews my books – reviews are so important and don’t have to be more than a few words, but they make all the difference and could help to persuade new readers to try my books for the very first time.

Stay tuned for more book news, there’s always something else on the horizon and I’m excited about bringing you your next read!

Love Helen x

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Helen J Rolfe Books

The Friendship Tree

Handle Me with Care

In a Manhattan Minute

The Summer of New Beginnings

You, Me, and Everything In Between

Christmas at Snowdrop Cottage

Magnolia Creek series:

What Rosie Found Next (book 1)

The Chocolatier’s Secret (book 2)

The Magnolia Girls (book 3)

New York Ever After series:

Christmas at the Little Knitting Box (book 1)

Snowflakes and Mistletoe at the Inglenook Inn (book 2)

Wedding Bells on Madison Avenue (book 3)

Christmas Miracles at the Little Log Cabin (book 4)

Christmas Promises at the Garland Street Markets (book 5)

Moonlight and Mistletoe at the Christmas Wedding (book 6)

Heritage Cove series:

Coming Home to Heritage Cove (book 1)

Christmas at the Little Waffle Shack (book 2)

Orion Publishing - Books written as Helen Rolfe:

Valentine’s Day at the Café at the End of the Pier (Pier series, free short story)

Spring at the Café at the End of the Pier (Pier series, part 1)

Summer at the Café at the End of the Pier (Pier series, part 2)

Autumn at the Café at the End of the Pier (Pier series, part 3)

Christmas at the Café at the End of the Pier (Pier series, part 4)

The Little Café at the End of the Pier (Pier series, entire collection)

Summer Nights in Lantern Square (Lantern square series, part 1)

Falling Leaves in Lantern Square (Lantern square series, part 2)

Christmas in Lantern Square (Lantern square series, part 3)

Snowfall in Lantern Square (Lantern square series, part 4)

The Little Cottage in Lantern Square (Lantern square series, entire collection)

The Little Village Library

A Summer Surprise (The Kindness Club on Mapleberry Lane, part 1)

An Autumn Promise (The Kindness Club on Mapleberry Lane, part 2)

A Winter Wish (The Kindness Club on Mapleberry Lane, part 3)

A Christmas Gift (The Kindness Club on Mapleberry Lane, part 4)

The Kindness Club on Mapleberry Lane (entire collection)


Many thanks to Katharine Walkden for her superior editing and proofreading skills and for polishing this book ready for all my readers. Thanks too, to Berni Stevens for her cover design, I’m never disappointed with what she comes up with.

To my husband and children for giving me the headspace to write, the support when I doubt myself, and for sharing the excitement every time I add another book to my personal bookshelf.

And finally, once again, to my readers, a huge thank you for buying this book. I hope it was a pleasure to read. Copyright 2016 - 2024