Christmas at Lilac Cottage - Holly Martin Page 0,44

and at the natural light flooding through the windows that sent ribbons of gold over the dark wood. He was going to enjoy working here. He was going to get to work with his hands every day, nurturing and perfecting beautiful pieces of handmade furniture. He was going to learn new processes and skills too and that was always something he was keen to do. White Cliff Bay Furniture Company was one of the biggest names in the world for handmade pieces and he was going to be a part of that.

He had met several members of the team he would be working with after Christmas when he started properly. They all seemed happy, cheerful people, singing and chatting and laughing while they worked. He knew he was going to love working with them.

He was waiting for Daniel, his line manager, to come back with some paperwork for him to sign when he heard the click-clack of heels across the hard floor. As all the women who worked on the factory floor wore steel toecapped boots, he turned to look at the foreign sound.

It was the fiery red hair he saw first, cascading in long curls down one side of her face. In a black trouser suit and sky high red heels, she looked like a force to be reckoned with. She was beautiful, there was no denying that, but there was a cold arrogance that marred her features. She didn’t look at anyone as she passed, almost as if they weren’t good enough to be looked at.

She was walking straight towards him.

‘Clara Stratton, CEO.’ She offered out a hand, clearly hoping he would be impressed with that title. He wasn’t, he’d already met who he considered to be the real CEO, Edward, who had stopped to talk to almost every person on the factory floor earlier. He shook her hand anyway, noting her eyes were as cold as ice, a direct contrast to her fiery hair.

‘Henry Travis, I’m starting work here after Christmas.’

This news clearly surprised her; she obviously had no idea about new staff, whereas Edward had recognised him from the interviews and made a point of coming and chatting with him for a good half hour when he saw him earlier.

‘Oh, that’s a pleasant bit of good news. It’s nice to have a bit of eye candy to look at every day at work.’

Henry refrained from letting his jaw drop. Surely if it had been Edward chatting to a new female employee like that, she could have slapped a sexual harassment suit on him faster than he could blink. But Henry would be nice to her, he had to. He couldn’t do anything to risk his job here before he had even started. He forced a smile onto his face.

‘I think you’ll be very happy here. I can help you settle in if you like. We should go out for dinner one night and we can talk about the White Cliff Bay Furniture Company, the expectations we have for you.’

‘Well, I think Edward and Daniel, my line manager, have explained that very clearly. I know how important the reputation of this company is and I’m delighted to be offered a place here based on my skills and experience.’

He hoped that would be the end of it.

‘We’re a family business here. I do like to know the people who work for our family. Dinner would let us get to know each other better.’

‘Well, I was just about to join Daniel for lunch in the staff canteen, you’re welcome to join us. I hear the cheese and pickle sandwiches are to die for.’

She narrowed her eyes at his deliberate obtuseness. Just then Daniel came back. He looked at Clara in confusion – obviously it wasn’t the norm for her to be seen talking to the carpenters.

‘Oh hello, Ms Stratton,’ Daniel said. ‘Are you lost?’

Henry clenched his lips together to stop the laugh from bursting from his mouth.

Clara forced her eyes from Henry to look at Daniel.

‘What do you mean, lost?’

‘We don’t normally see you down here, I thought you might have taken a wrong turn,’ Daniel said, innocently. ‘Henry, here are your papers, are you coming to lunch?’

‘Yes, of course. Clara, are you joining us?’

Daniel gave a blatant laugh which he turned into a coughing fit.

She glared at Daniel before returning her attention back to Henry. ‘Perhaps another time.’

She turned and strode away, back the way she had come, her bum swaying frantically at the speed she was departing.

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