Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,99

It’s pulled over just before the entrance to Morgan Ranch. Should be easy to spot unless we get more snow.”

“Okay, no problem,” Ted said. “I’ll get out there right now.”

“Thanks, Ted. I’d prefer it if the car was taken off the road so no one can drive into the back of it. Let me know if you have any problems, okay?”

“Will do. Drive safe, Nate.”

Ted ended the call and glanced guiltily at the collection of empty packets on his side table. Chips, peanuts, and a protein bar counted as dinner, right? With his father being away, he hadn’t bothered to cook. There didn’t seem much point when he lived right opposite a pizza parlor.

He set his untouched beer back in the refrigerator and put on his heaviest jacket and boots. Whenever he was called out, he always tried to start the car and get people moving before deciding to take it into the shop. At this time of year, that usually involved standing in the snow and ice while he froze his nuts off, so he’d learned to be prepared. As the sole mechanic, with the only garage and gas station in Morgan Valley, he was called out to all kinds of situations.

He went down the stairs into the garage below his apartment, and spent a few minutes making sure he had everything he needed stashed in his tow truck before opening the doors and heading out into the inky blackness. Once he got out of the town proper, and into the sparsely populated Morgan Valley, there weren’t many streetlights.

Not that it worried him. He’d lived in Morgan Valley his whole life, and knew the roads like the back of his hand. It took him less than fifteen minutes to locate the broken-down vehicle. He carefully backed up on the side of the road behind it and set his hazard lights flashing.

As he approached, the driver’s door flew open, and a woman scrambled out and rushed toward him.

“Oh, thank goodness! Nate said someone would be along, but I was beginning to wonder whether he’d forgotten about me, and worrying about ax murderers, and—” She paused for breath, and a huge smile broke out on her face. “Oh, it’s you! Ted Baker! How cool is that!”

She pointed at her chest. “Veronica Hernandez. We went to school together, remember?”

Still reeling from the force and brilliance of her smile, Ted nodded like a dumbass. “Yeah, I mean, hey, what’s up?”

She pointed at her car. “It’s embarrassing, but I ran out of gas. I thought I had enough to get me to Uncle Victor’s, but I obviously miscalculated, and now I’m stuck.” She gazed hopefully up at him. “Can you give me a ride into town so I can call him to come get me?”

Ted cleared his throat. “Yeah, of course, but—”

She interrupted him. “Shall I get my stuff and put it in your truck?”

“Sure, but I’ll need to hitch up the car and take it with us, okay?” He surveyed the narrow, unlit road. “It’s not safe to leave it out here in this weather, and on this bend. It won’t take long. Do you have the keys?”

She handed them over and followed him back to the car. “Are you sure it will be quick?”

“I can’t see why not.” Ted opened the trunk, took out her bags, and walked them over to his tow truck. “There’s no damage so it should load up easily.”

Ted returned to the car and paused by the open door, peering into the murky interior, which smelled odd. A weird snuffling noise made him back up a step.

Veronica eased past him. “Oh, my little darling, are you okay? I’m coming right now.”

Ted retreated farther as she emerged with a bundle of blankets and held them tenderly to her chest. It was stupid the way his heart immediately plummeted to his boots. Of course she was married and had a family. She’d always been way out of his league, and he was an idiot to think otherwise.

But if that was her kid, it had one hell of a breathing problem....

She tenderly drew the blanket away and stepped close to him.

“This is Bacon, my pet pig. Isn’t he the sweetest thing ever?”

* * *

Veronica waited as Ted stared down at Bacon; his mouth was working, but no sounds came out. From what she could see in the flickering lights, he hadn’t changed much since school. His brown hair and eyes were as cute as ever, he definitely needed a shave, and Copyright 2016 - 2024