Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,87

of his chest, because in the moment he was lost—and found, all at the same time.

Suddenly, his Ghost of Christmas Past didn’t matter all that much. Not when he’d been gifted with a beautiful angel sent to rescue him.

Noah stood. “I’m going to prove to her that this generation of Tuckers is trustworthy.”

* * *

“He’s coming,” Faith whispered, unable to contain the giddiness bubbling up as he made his way across the lawn, his gaze never straying from hers.

“My word.” Gina placed a hand to her chest. “That’s so intense I can feel the heat.”

“Are you ready?” Shelby whispered, turning to Faith and fluffing her hair.

“Do you think he knows he’s doing the whole ‘Heath Ledger in Ten Things I Hate About You’ act, wearing a Santa hat that says CUFFS INCLUDED”? Gina asked.

“Doesn’t matter, he’s totally pulling it off,” Faith breathed.

“Which”—Shelby pinched Faith’s cheeks—“is why you need to be ready. Please be ready. Because I know that look. It’s all Tucker and it’s all aimed in your direction.”

Afraid to look away, she whispered back, “What does it mean?”

“It means your world is about to change,” Shelby said, then turned her attention to the new arrival. “Hey there, Noah. Can I interest you in some sweet tea?”

And there he was, standing in front of her, looking big and strong and as if there wasn’t a shadow of a doubt about what he wanted. Faith swallowed, pretty sure it was her because he said, “No, ma’am,” to Shelby, his voice changing a bit when he asked Faith, “Can I borrow you for as many moments as you have left tonight?”

“No sweet tea then? Great.” Shelby stood, pulling Gina with her.

“Not many men could rock the hat. Kudos to you, Middle Tucker,” Gina called out right before they disappeared into the house. Only to reappear in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.

“How long do you think they’re going to stay there?” he asked, and Faith laughed. “Right.” He ran a hand down his face, checking behind his shoulders, then said, “Stay right there. I’ll be back in two seconds.”

Faith looked at her pretend watch and he grinned, then took off into the house. Faith glanced at the window behind her, where Shelby was pretending to make out with her hand and Gina sang the beginning of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” into an invisible microphone.

“Stop,” she mouthed, but they appeared nowhere near ready to stop. So she was relieved when Noah reappeared on the porch with a canvas bag in hand.

“What’s that?”

“This is a surprise.” He took her hand to help her up and a charged current crackled between them. “And that, angel, is chemistry.”

He led her down the steps and across the lawn, their fingers completely intertwined, their steps in harmony. He didn’t break contact until they reached the gate that separated the house from the grazing pastures.

Noah held it open for her to pass through, immediately taking her hand in his larger one. Heaven help her, he had great hands. Strong, firm, and work-roughened, yet absolutely tender as he ran his thumb over her skin.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“You getting suspicious on me again?”

“Cautious,” she corrected, and he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

“Cautious is okay,” he whispered against her fingers. “I want to show you where I used to spend a lot of time at the ranch.”

“Are you taking me to the place you’d bring girls? Show them the stars, steal a kiss?” she teased.

“No, ma’am. I’ve never brought anyone but my brothers to this place. So, kissing was never on the agenda.”

“And tonight’s agenda?”

“That, darlin’, is up to you.”

Faith looked up to study the man who, little by little, was chiseling away the walls she’d put in place to keep her safe. He’d managed to slide right past them and into her heart. Then she thought about how he’d phrased it, “where I spent a lot of time.” He hadn’t said a beautiful view or his favorite spot, and his body language didn’t read as if they were going to his favorite anything.

His handsome face was tense, his lips not in their usual mischievous smile. He looked determined but uncertain, and his vulnerability reached out and pulled Faith in that much deeper.

As if sensing her stare, he looked down and gave her a busted grin, then squeezed her hands. She squeezed back, and he laughed.

“How many moments do you have left before your ginger bears call, needing you home?” he asked, Copyright 2016 - 2024