Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,84

than they’re worth?”

“Mrs. McKinney told me that it’s all over the board,” Shelby explained. “A twenty-dollar doll can go for a hundred. And a three-hundred-dollar bike can go for eighty bucks. The PlayStation? Cody will end up paying double for it rather than wait the two weeks for a new shipment. Plus, he hates to lose.”

Faith could relate to that. She didn’t care so much about winning as she did about being wrong when it mattered.

Her heart sped up on the off chance that, if she were lucky, maybe everyone would be so dazzled by the iPads, they’d overlook the laser guns. Pax would go ballistic if he found those under the tree on Christmas morning. Even if it meant cutting into her blender fund, it would be worth it to see the look on his face.

“Judge Hardy donated the iPads,” Gina said. “He’s a scrooge. Squeaks when he walks. He steals pens with the county logo from the courthouse to hand out on Halloween. I don’t know what you did, Shelby, but I’m impressed.”

Shelby had come a long way in the past few months, proving to folks around town that even though she was a big-city girl, she had a small-town heart. It wasn’t until she’d single-handedly saved the Summer Spectacular bake-off that people started treating her like one of their own.

Faith hoped that being more involved in the community, in a public way, would get her a little closer to finding what Shelby had found.

“So?” Shelby wiggled her brows. “Noah got home awfully late the other night. Said he was helping you with your cookies.”

Skipping right over that, Faith said, “I only have an hour before I have to get back to baking so how can I help—”

“Uh huh. No way.” Shelby stepped in front of Faith, blocking her way. “I’ve been dying to ask you since the storm. But I knew you were busy with the cookies, so I waited.” Shelby crossed her arms. “I’m done waiting. Spill.”

She turned to find Gina sitting on an ottoman, making herself at home—right in front of the doorway.

Faith sighed and plopped down on the couch. “Fine. He brought the generator over so I could—”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Gina twirled the chicken leg around. “Did you kiss or not?”

“Yes?” Faith said, then covered her face with her hands before ducking down.

“That was a question,” Shelby pointed out.

Faith peeked through her fingers. “Yes. We did. Just a little one.”

“Twenty bucks.” Gina held out her hand and Shelby forked over the cash.

“You bet on my dating life?”

“So you’re dating now?” Shelby turned to Gina. “One of my best friends is dating my brother-in-law and she didn’t even bother to tell me.”

“Stop.” Faith’s arms shot out, making a T. “We are not dating. Who said we were dating? Not me.”

Shelby laughed. “Say that one more time and maybe I’ll believe you.”

“You also didn’t deny it.” Gina pointed the chicken leg at her.

Faith crossed her arms because suddenly she didn’t know what to do with them. “What, are you being Prosecutor Gina right now?”

“You bet she is. And before you try to deflect, let me remind you that she’s the best prosecutor in three counties,” Shelby said, and Gina grinned. “She’s going to get it out of you one way or the other.”

Faith took a big breath. “We aren’t dating, but he said he wants to court me.” God, she sounded so ridiculous saying it. Felt even more ridiculous because her lips tingled when she did.

Shelby wiggled her fingers in front of her mouth and more squealing commenced. “That is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Yeah, a real Prince Charming, that one,” Gina deadpanned.

“Oh stop. You’re pissy because Noah took Logan’s side when the Sheriff’s Office blocked your attempt to redistrict some of their parking spots to the County Prosecutors’ Office.”

“He doesn’t even live here. Why did he get involved?” Gina plopped the unfinished chicken leg on a napkin.

“Because you called and asked him to get involved,” Faith reminded her.

“That’s when I thought he’d see my point. The Rangers share all of their resources with their District Attorney’s Office.” Gina narrowed her gaze. “Now look at you, kissing the enemy.”

“It was a really great kiss,” Faith admitted. “And before you start squealing, let me remind everyone that he’s going back to Austin in a week and I’m staying here until, well probably forever, but at least until Pax goes off to college.”

“Please. A week is like a year in courting time.” Shelby patted Faith’s arm Copyright 2016 - 2024