Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,75

my butt now.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Up the beam went, to land on—would you look at that—the breaker box.

“And it isn’t that I don’t know what to do in a blackout. I do. But this is our first year in this house, so I’m not familiar with how things work. And if it wasn’t for the bake sale, I’d have pushed through until the lights came back on.”


“I don’t want you thinking that I’m one of those women who runs around like a chicken with her head cut off when the lights go out. I know how to flip a breaker. I have a flashlight. Normally this would be no big deal.”

She talked the entire way to the kitchen, only stopping when they reached the panel in the back of the pantry, where she explained everything. She knew about her house’s electrical system—which was pretty impressive.

She was still talking when he handed her the flashlight so he could familiarize himself with the setup. Faith couldn’t stand not being active. Every time he’d seen her, she’d been in constant motion. So he shouldn’t have been surprised when she knocked his shoulder with the flashlight because she was trying to peer around him to see what he was doing. And he didn’t laugh when she placed her hands on his arm for balance as she went up on her toes, only to huff when she couldn’t get a good enough view. In fact, Noah was enjoying her curiosity so much, he didn’t even bother to mention that her house was already set up for a generator and there was no need for him to stand there any longer.

But her front was pressed against his back and he was in no rush to move. Then the beam of light passed over the bags of ingredients on the counter and he reluctantly stepped back.

“So?” she asked, shining the beam directly into his eyes.

“So.” He placed his hand on hers and lowered the light. At the simple contact, acute sexual awareness flowed between them. “Point me in the direction of where the power comes into your house and we should be good to go.”

“You didn’t need to check out my box, did you?”

“I’d never pass up the opportunity to check out your box, angel.” He took the flashlight before she could blind him again. “Now, what direction am I heading?”

Chapter Seven

Ten wet and blustery minutes later, Noah had the generator hooked up and running. It took nine minutes longer than usual because his beautifully independent electrician-in-training insisted on going with him. Not just going with him but taking notes on everything he was doing so she could replicate it in the event of a next time.

Noah almost told her that, night or day, he was simply a swipe on the phone away. But then he took in the crayon drawings and family calendar on the fridge, the handwritten menu on a brightly colored WHAT’S COOKIN’ chalkboard, and his body started feeling twitchy.

Every detail, from the twinkling lights strung throughout the house to the holiday cards neatly lining the fridge, was a conscious choice in creating a safe and warm family environment. From the outside, the house hadn’t seemed like much. But now that the lights were on, he noted how cozy she’d made her little nest. Everything was freshly painted, including the shutters and cabinets. There was a vase of garden-cut flowers on the counter, several well-kept plants on the windowsill, and every surface was covered in some phase of cookies.

The only thing out of place was Noah. Had Cody not guilted him into coming back to Sweet, Noah wouldn’t be here getting to know the most fascinating woman he’d ever encountered. He’d be back in Austin, disappearing for weeks on end into the seedy underbelly of society, tempting danger at every turn.

He’d watched as better men than he tried and failed at the family thing, leaving behind a world of hurt and disappointment. Not that he was thinking that far ahead. But if he did ever want to give the whole white-picket-fence thing a try, it would be with a woman like Faith.

Only she’d had more than her fair share of disappointment, and he didn’t want to be one more guy to add to her list. So when she waltzed back into the kitchen and tossed him a dry towel, he said, “Let me grab my things and I’ll leave you to your gingerbread men.”

“Bears,” she corrected, her face flushed from their adventure in the elements. Copyright 2016 - 2024