Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,127

her table. She looked up and smiled, and he knew in his heart that everything was going to be all right.

“Hey,” she said softly, and patted the seat next to her. “Want to share some of this amazing dessert?”

He took the vacant chair. “It’s not like you to share the sweet things.”

“I’ve had six different kinds. Even I’m getting full.” She handed over her fork. “Be my guest.”

He ate the creamy cheesecake in three bites while Veronica looked on.

“It’s good. I didn’t get to try everything because I was too busy trying to find tactful ways of assuring Marley that her decorations were just as good as the Morgans’.” Ted wiped his mouth with her napkin.

“Then let me get you some more.” Veronica stood up. “Would you like coffee? I’m going to get myself a cup.”

He touched her arm. “You don’t need to get me food.”

“Since I’m already getting the coffee, it’s hardly a problem, is it?”

He let her go, and she made her way through the tables, stopping to speak to various people, her smile lighting her way.

Something buzzed, and Ted looked down at the table to see Veronica’s cell phone lit up with a text. He wasn’t even aware that he had starting reading it until it was too late.

Hey, babe, drove by but nothing to report, except when are you coming back? The kids and I are missing you!! Xxx

“Here you go.” Veronica set the two coffees on the table along with the plate of desserts. “I hope they’ve got more in the kitchen because with all these hardworking, outdoor-living cowboys, the food’s going down fast.” She glanced over at Ted who was staring at her, his expression unreadable. “What?”

He pointed at her phone. “You got a text.”

She leaned in to read it and turned back to Ted with a grin. “Leon is such an idiot.”

“Is he?”

He definitely wasn’t laughing.

“Did you read it?” Veronica asked. “Because—”

“I didn’t mean to. It just caught my eye.” He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “Anything you need to say to me right now?”

Veronica bristled at his tone.

“I would’ve thought you’d be the one apologizing for reading my private messages.”

“As I said, it was an accident, and I can’t say I’m sorry I read it, because who the hell is texting you, and what’s that about you having kids? Is this the ‘little problem’ you have to deal with back in L.A.?”

Veronica reached over, picked up her phone, and slid it into her pocket, her whole body trembling. “Excuse me.”

She rose to her feet and he stood too, towering over her, one hand reaching for her elbow.

“Veronica . . .”

She flinched away. “Don’t touch me, okay?”

She slammed her chair in, stepped away from him, and headed for the exit. It took her only a minute to reach the cloakroom and start searching for her belongings. She only looked up when the door clicked shut, and she found Ted leaning up against the inside of it. He held up one hand.

“Look, I know what I did was wrong.”

She didn’t reply as she finally found her boots and outerwear.

“I shouldn’t have read your text.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.” She clutched her coat to her chest and glared at him. “I spent ten years with a man who monitored all my calls, texts, and e-mails and I hated it!”

“Shit.” He grimaced. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it that way.”

“I don’t want to be with a man who constantly doubts me, okay? It would destroy me.”

“I get that.” He nodded slowly, his whole attention fixed on her face. “But are you really going to lay all of this on me?”

“Maybe.” Veronica stared right back at him.

“Rather than have an honest conversation?” He shrugged. “I’m usually the one running away from those hard truths, but I’m trying here.”

“Trying to accuse me of something I haven’t done, from one text?” Veronica wasn’t quite ready to be reasonable yet.

“You said you’d explain things when you could.” He paused. “Wouldn’t you say this was maybe a good time to do that?”

Veronica slowly released her death grip on her coat. Okay, maybe he had a point. He wasn’t Jason, and she couldn’t blame him for everything that had happened in her previous life.

“Leon’s text doesn’t have anything to do with the other matter I’m concerned about.”

“Okay.” He didn’t look any more relaxed. “Are you saying you’re still not ready to talk to me about what’s going on?”

“I will be by the end of the Copyright 2016 - 2024