Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,124

looking radiant. Tucker stood at the bottom of the main staircase and cupped his hands.

“Transport up to Morgan Ranch will be arriving shortly out front! I suggest you all wrap up warm if you want to use it!”

Ted glanced out of the window as he heard the faint chiming of bells. He grabbed Veronica’s hand.

“Let’s go see what Tucker’s talking about.”

They hurried through the groups of guests to the front door. It had snowed again, and the sun had come out, bathing the whole town in a bright, white glow. Around the corner came a sleigh drawn by two horses in full Christmas regalia. Three more sleighs arrived, stretching the length of Main Street. Just to complete the picture, all the drivers were dressed as Santa Claus.

“I can see why we need to wrap up warm.” Ted chuckled. “You want to ride in a sleigh with me?”

“Oh, yes,” Veronica said fervently. “I can’t think of anything I’d like more.”

He guided her back inside where Tucker was directing guests who preferred the speed and convenience of four-wheel drive to the delights of an open sleigh around to the parking lot where they could either pick up their own vehicle or take the Morgan Ranch shuttle.

Ted joined the line for the sleigh ride while Veronica finished getting ready, enduring the good-natured teasing from the locals about his wonderful girlfriend. He wasn’t going to argue about that. He and Veronica might have started their relationship in an unconventional way, but he sure as hell intended to make it a long-term commitment.

If she stayed—and if she finally told him everything that was going on in her life . . . He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. Just for once, he was going to allow himself to appreciate the day without self-sabotaging. Veronica was here, she was happy to be with him, and he was darn well going to enjoy it.

Avery and Ry were escorted into the first sleigh, along with their best man, maid of honor, and Chase William who obviously wasn’t prepared to wait any longer to get home. There was just enough room for Ted and Veronica in the fourth sleigh. Tucker promised the rest of the line that if they didn’t mind a wait, the sleighs would be returning.

Ted lifted Veronica onto the seat and squeezed in next to her, wrapping one arm around her shoulder to keep her steady as the sleigh jolted to a start. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been out on the snow like this. These days he preferred the safety and convenience of his big tow truck.

Beside him, Veronica shivered, and Ted drew her closer against his side before wrapping her scarf securely around her neck. She wore her knitted hat with the big pompom and he squished it down hard until it reached her nose.


“Yes, apart from the fact that I can’t see or speak anymore.” Veronica’s reply was muffled until she pulled the scarf away from her chin. “I’ve forgotten how cold it gets here.”

“You’ll get used to it,” Ted reminded her, bracing his arm against the side of the sled as it turned out of Main, and onto the county road. The sound of the chiming bells and the feathers nodding in the horse’s brow pieces made him feel like he was in some kind of movie.

“Or I’ll buy a thicker coat.”

He smiled down at her. “You thinking about staying then?”

“I’d have to talk to my uncle first.”

“You do that,” he said softly, his gaze lingering on her face. “I’m sure he’d welcome you home with open arms.”

Chapter Seven

Veronica allowed Ted to lift her out of the sled onto the well-packed snow, and took in the amazing scene around her. The circular drive between the ranch house, the old barn, and the new guest center had been transformed into a winter wonderland of decorated pine trees, multicolored fairy lights, and enough tinsel to fill a gift shop.

The sleigh behind her moved off, following the others back to town. Veronica took Ted’s proffered hand and walked over to the all-weather red carpet leading to the reception area and bar. Arches of lit branches entwined over their heads and soft bells chimed in the breeze perfumed by pine, Christmas spices, and apple cider.

“Hey, look up!” Ted stopped at the entrance.


Veronica’s next words were lost in the wonder of Ted’s kiss. When he finally released her, he pointed over her head. “Mistletoe.”

“Oh, now I get it.” Veronica grinned at him Copyright 2016 - 2024