Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,110

to his customer and waited until he signed it.

“Thanks. Drive safely now.”

He discreetly made sure the guy hadn’t taken his pen, and checked that the credit card machine was set back in place. He couldn’t wait for the day when everything became paperless. There were still several people in Morgan Valley who insisted on writing him a check, but he never rushed them. They’d known his beloved grandpa and his father and were as much a part of the valley as he was. One day, when he could afford it, he’d upgrade the remaining pumps to take credit card payments right there on the forecourt.


He looked up to find Tucker grinning at him.

“Hey, yourself. What’s up?” As customers were scarce because of the weather it was nice to see a friendly face. “Aren’t you supposed to be running a hotel or something?”

“It’s a madhouse right now what with Marley telling everyone what to do and Dad countermanding her orders while Mom and I rush around frantically getting in each other’s way.” Tucker let out an aggrieved breath. “If they’d all sit down and stop arguing, we’d be in much better shape.”

“You guys could organize a wedding in your sleep,” Ted reminded him. “You’ve done hundreds of them.”

“But not like this one. Marley’s taken it as a personal challenge to show that the Hayes family can outdo Morgan Ranch, which is stupid when there is plenty of room for both venues. Avery made the right choice to organize the Morgan Ranch end of things and keep out of the way.” Tucker checked his phone and groaned. “And they keep texting me like I have all the answers.”

Ted chuckled. “You usually do. What time do you want us there on Saturday?”

“Two? There’s a big crowd coming and we’ll need to manage them.”

“I’ve herded a few cattle in my time.” Ted shrugged. “I can wrangle a few rowdy cowboys.”

“Once the wedding is over and we’ve had the champagne toast, everything’s moving up to Morgan Ranch for the main reception and dance. We just don’t have the capacity, and seeing as Avery and Ry know every damn family in the valley, and most of the professional rodeo community between them, it’s going to be wild.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Ted confessed. “I can’t think of any couple I’d rather see make it than those two.”

“I wonder why?” Tucker winked at him. “You suddenly hoping these old schoolyard romances always work out well?”

Ted gave him a withering look. “If you’re talking about me and Veronica, we never went out in school.”

“But you always had a thing for her.”

“Yeah, but she always saw me as a friend.” Ted rearranged some of the gum at the front of the counter to avoid looking at Tucker. “And that’s primarily what we still are—friends.”

“Yeah, right.” Tucker wasn’t having any of it. “You’ve been happier than I’ve seen you in years since she arrived.”

“She’s only been here a day, and she’s a very positive person to be with,” Ted said.

“She sure is.” Tucker hesitated. “Is she coming back to live here?”

Knowing he was the worst liar in town, and was currently facing the man who knew him best in the world, Ted desperately tried to think of a reply.

“I’m not sure. I think it depends on a lot of different factors.”

“Like you?”

“No, way more important things than that,” Ted said hastily. “I think Victor would be thrilled if she decided to stay. He definitely could do with some help with the business, and some company.”

“That’s true.” Tucker looked over his shoulder as another customer came into the store and sighed. “I’d better get back before Marley and Dad come to blows. Avery will pick Veronica up around six, okay?”

“I’ll let her know.” Ted smiled at the woman approaching the counter. “Afternoon, ma’am, how can I help you?”

Even as he attended to business, his thoughts were racing. Veronica did make him feel more optimistic about everything, but he still knew very little about her. The fact that she’d turned up in Morgantown without alerting her beloved uncle was definitely suspect, and why had she brought a pig with her? His smile died as the woman left the shop. He wanted Veronica to tell him the truth. He wanted her to trust him, and that meant he was already in way over his head.

Chapter Four

“Did you have a good night?” Ted came into the kitchen to find Veronica sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. She looked far too awake Copyright 2016 - 2024