Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,103

against hers and took a long swallow. “Can I ask you something?”

Veronica immediately tensed. “Sure.”

“Why did you name your pig Bacon?”

“I didn’t.”

He studied her carefully. “Okay.”

“My ex called him Bacon, as a joke, and it kind of stuck.” Her mouth twisted.

“You don’t look like you found that joke particularly funny.” Ted was watching her face.

“I didn’t, but that’s one of the many reasons why that man is now my ex-husband.”

“You’re divorced?”

“Two years ago.” She managed a smile. “Best two years of my life since I left home at eighteen—hardest two years of my life, as well, but I don’t regret anything.”

“My sister, Beth, says the same thing. She came home a few years ago. I don’t think she regrets it.” He fiddled around with the napkins.

“Beth and I were always the smart ones.” Veronica said.

His slow smile made everything inside her go still for a moment before she continued talking.

“I got married too young, and left college to be with Jason. Within a couple of years, I knew I’d made a mistake, but I was too proud to admit it, and too stubborn to come home and ask for help from my family.”

“That’s why you didn’t come back?” Ted asked.

“Yes, because if I had, they would’ve known something was wrong, and tried to help me. At the time, I didn’t think I had any choice but to hang in there, put my head down, and make things work.”

“You really should talk to Beth,” Ted said as he went to wash his hands. “Her ex beat the shit out of her. She didn’t tell us because she was afraid one of us would go after the bastard, kill him, and end up in jail.”

Veronica’s hand flew to her mouth. “Poor Beth.”

“She left when he started in on their son.”

Ted’s normally good-humored expression had disappeared, revealing the strength of the man beneath—a man who valued his family, and wouldn’t put up with anyone hurting someone he loved. He’d been like that in school, defending his sister and her friends from any guy who tried something. He’d even defended Veronica, and she’d never forgotten it.

His cell buzzed, and he took it out of his pocket to check the message.

“Pizza’s ready.”

She went toward the hall door. “Then let’s go and get it.”

* * *

Despite the fact that they hadn’t seen each other for ten years, walking across the street beside Veronica felt like the most natural thing in the world. Her being in his apartment also felt right—as if she’d brought something with her that lit up his life. She’d always been the most positive person he’d known, and, despite her jerk of an ex, she’d obviously retained that quality.

He held the door of the pizza place open and followed her inside. The rich smell of bubbling cheese, garlic, and roasted tomatoes hit him square in the face and he breathed it in like oxygen. In his opinion, pizza made everything better.

“Hey!” His nephew grinned at him. “Back again? You should take shares in this place.”

Ted pretended to frown at his favorite relative. “Don’t tell your mother, okay?”

“I’ll think about it if you give me a decent tip,” Mikey replied, his amused gaze falling on Veronica who was openly laughing up at Ted.

“This is Veronica. She’s staying with me over the holidays.” Ted pointed at his nephew. “This is Beth’s son, Mikey. He’s a pain in the ass, but I still love him.”

“I can tell.” Veronica smiled at Mikey. “It’s good to meet you.”

Mikey nodded, his eyes wide as saucers. Any second now Ted figured he’d be getting a call from his sister about the strange woman in his life and why hadn’t he told her?

“Did you guys meet online?” Mikey asked totally innocently as Veronica handed him her credit card.

“Nope, we went to kindergarten together. I grew up on the Hernandez farm.”

“Victor’s place? We get a lot of our pizza ingredients from him. Gina says his tomatoes are the best.” Mikey eyed Ted speculatively. “Well, I can tell you that my uncle’s a good guy, and that my mom says he needs to stop being so boring, get out there, and live a little.”

“Thanks for the rec, Mikey.” Ted raised his eyebrows. “Maybe you could check on that pizza?”

He braced himself as Mikey went to the back of the store, and Veronica looked up at him, a smile dancing on her lips.

“You need to get out more?”

“Apparently.” Ted tried to keep his cool. “But please don’t listen to my nephew. He’s hardly an Copyright 2016 - 2024