Christmas at Holiday House - RaeAnne Thayne Page 0,39

we will have to make you an unofficial member.”

“Official or unofficial, I still can’t sing.”

Winnie made a dismissive gesture. “Do you want to know a secret? Half the people in the group can’t carry a tune in a bucket. Somehow we make up for it. I’ve always said that in our case, enthusiasm trumps talent any day.”

Abby wasn’t entirely sure she bought that, but then she had never actually heard the Silver Belles.

“I can’t believe we only have three days before the official first night of the tours,” Winnie went on. “I can’t tell if I’m more excited or more nervous.”

Abby knew her emotions definitely fell in the nervous category. She had never done anything like this and likely never would again.

It had been an experience she wouldn’t trade, though. Before she could tell Winnie that, she heard the front door open, obviously by someone familiar with the code since she knew she had locked it.

A moment later, Ethan poked his head in.

“Hi. I followed the light and found you both here.”

Abby felt momentarily stupid. How had she forgotten how good-looking he was, with that dark windswept hair and his deep blue eyes?

“Hi,” she managed, in what she hoped wasn’t a squeak.

“Hello, darling,” Winnie said, lifting her face for Ethan’s kiss on the cheek.

“I’m sorry again to drop in so late. I’ve been in San Francisco until this afternoon. We managed the crisis and all is fine.”

“Oh, good,” Winnie said. “Regardless, you know I’m always glad to see you, day or night.”

“You are looking good. How are you feeling tonight?”

“Good. I haven’t needed the dumb walker all day. The ribs still hurt and having the wrist in a cast is a pain in the patootie, but I’m trying not to let it stop me.”

“No doubt.”

Ethan shifted his attention to Abby. “I see you’ve survived being Winnie’s lackey.”

“Oh, hush,” his grandmother said. “Abby is marvelous. She has made amazing progress since Thanksgiving. The house looks more beautiful than I’ve ever seen it. You should have her give you a tour while you’re here.”

For an instant, he looked alarmed at the suggestion and she wondered if he was remembering the last time they had walked through the house together, when Ethan had almost kissed her on the attic stairs.

She could feel herself blush and hoped he and Winnie didn’t notice. Escape was probably her wisest course of action in this situation.

She cleared her throat. “I’ll leave you two to visit. I have, um, things to do.” She gestured vaguely toward the open doorway of the kitchen.

“Ethan can help you,” Winnie said suddenly.

She froze in the act of scraping back her chair. “That’s totally not necessary. I’ve got everything under control.”

“Don’t be silly,” Winnie admonished. “I know how nervous you’ve been about climbing up the ladder, with your fear of heights. You’ve been putting it off all week. Ethan is the perfect person to help. He’s tall, for one thing. Also, unlike you, he doesn’t suffer from acrophobia. He could help you decorate the higher branches of the tree while you do the lower. That way you wouldn’t have to climb the ladder at all.”

“He came to visit with you, not to decorate that beastly tree.”

“He came to check on me, which he did,” Winnie corrected. “I’m fine, as you can clearly see.”

“Oh, yes. I can see clearly all right,” Ethan said, his tone dry.

What did he mean by that? Abby wondered.

Winnie gave a yawn that looked obviously fake. “The truth is, I’m beat. I thought I could stay up a little later to visit with you, but I can hardly keep my eyes open. I’m so sorry. I think the best thing for me would be to trot back to my bedroom and let you young people burn the midnight oil without me. You don’t mind helping, do you, darling?”

“Ethan has been traveling,” Abby said a little desperately. “I’m sure decorating a Christmas tree is the last thing he wants to do right now.”

He looked at her and then back at his grandmother. “I don’t mind at all,” he said. “It shouldn’t take us long.”

Even five minutes in his company was too long right now when she had the beginnings of a completely ludicrous crush on the man.

“Shall I help you back to bed?” Abby asked Winnie.

“Oh, no. I’m fine. I’m ready, I only have to take off this robe. Look how smart I am. I didn’t bother to tie it, so I wouldn’t have to struggle to untie it with one Copyright 2016 - 2024