Christmas at Fireside Cabins - Jenny Hale Page 0,87

bit, she could see light coming from somewhere, so she didn’t feel too worried going in, and Theo didn’t seem fearful at all. Her curiosity got the better of her and she ducked down, moving into the cave. When she got past the initial opening, the cave widened into a larger space, allowing her to stand up, her eyes adjusting. Lila gasped when the sight registered.

Theo came up behind her and put his arms around her.

They were inside the enormous mound of rock, standing at the edge of a turquoise pool of water that bubbled and fizzed. Lila followed the flow to its source, tipping her head toward the opening in the heavens where the rock gave way to gray skies, the snow filtering in with the light over an enormous waterfall. She watched the snowflakes disappear when they hit the surface of the water. She was so mesmerized by it that she didn’t notice Theo had let go of her.

Lila tore her eyes from the magnificent sight to find Theo sitting on a plaid blanket, holding a thermos and two cups.

“Hot cocoa?” he asked.

“Where did you get that?” she asked, sitting down beside him.

“I told Eleanor I was bringing you here.”

She smiled.

He unscrewed the lid of the thermos and filled the mugs.

“What is this place?” she asked.

“It’s called Pirates’ Bash. The story goes that a pirate who’d stolen a ship full of loot hopped on a carriage across country, landing here in Tennessee. He found this place and buried his loot here. No one’s ever been able to find it, but in the summer, when the water sparkles under the sunlight, it shimmers gold. It’s an old mystery that no one’s been able to solve. Some people think it’s the way the sunlight hits the wet limestone at the bottom of the pool, but no one’s sure.” He handed Lila her mug.

“This is incredible,” she said, taking off her mittens and holding the cocoa in her hands.

Theo set his mug on the rock floor beside him and leaned back, looking up. “When I first arrived in Pinewood Hills, I needed to escape the noise of my life, so I did a lot of hiking and camping in this area. On summer mornings, before opening the coffee shop, I’d come out here to read. I’d sit with my feet in the water, the birds chirping, the sun just coming up, sending a pink and orange light across the rock. It’s so peaceful.”

“I can imagine,” Lila said. She eased herself back beside him and he rolled onto his side to face her.

“I’m proud of you,” he said with a smile.


“For rock climbing,” he replied, his grin widening.

She inched toward him, propping her head up on her hand. “Rock climbing was a little different this time.”

“How so?”

“I knew you wouldn’t let me fall.”

“I’m glad we got back when we did,” Lila said to Theo, slipping her key in the lock of her cabin. “The snow is really coming down.”

“Is there any wood outside?” he asked. “We should start a fire.”

“There’s a stack at the back of the cabin,” Lila replied.

“Okay,” he said as he shut the front door behind them. “I’ll get a few logs and make a fire for us.”

“That sounds amazing,” Lila said. “I’m freezing. It’s incredible how cold that walk to the car was after being in the warm cave.” She shrugged off her coat and hung it on the hook by the door. “I’ll pour us a glass of wine and fix us some lunch.”

“Awesome,” Theo said, kissing her cheek before heading toward the back door. “Back in a sec.”

While Theo got the fire going, Lila made them a couple of sandwiches and poured two glasses of white wine, setting them on the coffee table. She lit one of Piper’s candles to send a cranberry scent around the room.

With the flames licking their way up the stone chimney and the snow collecting on the windowsill, Lila switched on the Christmas tree lights and sat down next to Theo, picking up her sandwich.

“Thank you for showing me the waterfall today,” she said, folding her legs underneath herself and snuggling up to him.

“You’re welcome.” He stole a bite of her sandwich.

“Hey,” she laughed, pulling it away. “Get your own sandwich. This one’s mine.” She reached for a glass of wine and handed it to him. Lila was aware she was already under enough of a buzz just being with Theo. She wondered where they’d go from here. “So… what are Copyright 2016 - 2024