The Christmas Clock and A Song For My Mother - Kat Martin Page 0,62


Marly grinned and shook her head. “I haven't eaten white bread in years. I try to stay healthy. Whole grains are a lot better for you.”

Winnie grinned, too. “I hate white bread.” She went over and opened a cupboard, took out a heavy, dark brown loaf.

“Mrs. Brenner down at the bakery started baking this and it's delicious. Has all kinds of seeds and nuts and things in it.” She opened the plastic wrapper, took out two yeasty slices, and popped them into the toaster. “I've got some of my homemade raspberry jelly. You haven't stopped eating jelly, have you?”

Marly laughed. It was such a good sound to hear. “Are you kidding? You make the best raspberry jelly in the world.”

Winnie's heart swelled. She managed to smile but her throat felt tight. She busied herself making a stack of toast, pulled out the butter and jelly, and they sat together drinking coffee and eating the delicious bread.

Something was different this morning. Winnie couldn't exactly say what it was but she couldn't help wondering if it had something to do with Marly's date last night with the handsome sheriff.

“So . . . are you going to see Sheriff Bennett again?''

Marly finished her last bite of toast. “He's taking me to the movies tonight. We're going to see True Lies. Arnold Schwarzenegger's in it and Jamie Lee Curtis. You okay babysitting Katie?''

"You know I am. That sweet little girl is the joy of my life. I can hardly imagine what it'll be like around here without her.”

Marly's warm expression cooled. “I know what you're thinking, Mother. I enjoy Reed's company but Katie and I are going back to Detroit. That's where I live, where I'm going to be working.”

Winnie fought not to let her emotions show. “So, your job is right there in the city?”

“That's right. Chrysler Elementary. It's one of the best schools in the area. Teaching there is a great opportunity and I need the money.”

“Well, of course you have to work.” But Winnie was already thinking of her friend in the Garden Club, Mabel Simms, one of the teachers at Dreyerville Grammar School. Maybe they needed another teacher over there. Winnie was sure her daughter would be a very good one.

On the other hand, maybe the memories in Dreyerville were simply too painful. Maybe nothing she could do or say would keep her two beautiful girls from leaving.

If they did leave, Winnie wasn't convinced they would ever return.

And if they didn't, her heart would be broken all over again.

Marly was beginning to feel trapped and she didn't like it.

She had been out with Reed almost every night since the barbecue at his house. Last Friday, they had all gone out together for pizza. Everyone but her mother, who had politely declined, saying she had promised to go over to her friend Opal's house to work on their program for the next meeting of the Dreyerville Garden Club.

Marly knew it was more than that. Winnie was hoping to see her daughter's relationship with Reed turn into something serious, maybe even permanent.

Worse yet, Marly found herself occasionally wishing the same thing.

She had managed to avoid him Saturday night but on Sunday, Winnie had insisted it was her turn for the barbecue, so Ham and Reed had come over for supper.

After that, Marly had weakened and gone out with him again on Tuesday. By the end of the evening, the attraction between them had grown even stronger.

“I need to kiss you, Marly,” Reed had said as he walked her up onto the porch. “I can't wait any longer.”

And then he turned her into his arms and claimed her mouth and his lips were soft and yet somehow insistent and a delicious warmth poured through her. Marly found herself kissing him back, her arms going around his neck. Reed had ended the kiss before she was ready and she found herself smiling at that.

On Wednesday, they had parked at the lake and talked until late. And though she'd considered going farther than just harmless kissing, she wasn't ready for more and she didn't think Reed was, either.

She had never been seriously involved with a man. Burly certainly didn't count. She had slept with him because she owed him for marrying her. She was his wife and a man had needs, something she had understood even when she had run off with him at sixteen.

But she had never enjoyed sex with Burly. Tolerated it, yes, but never looked forward to his nightly groping. Being a Copyright 2016 - 2024