The Christmas Clock and A Song For My Mother - Kat Martin Page 0,50

was asleep, then quietly closed the door, leaving it open a crack.

She had a little time, enough to get a few more chores done. Carrying in the rickety old wooden ladder she had found in the garage, she set it up in the kitchen, grabbed a wet rag, and climbed the rungs.

The ladder wiggled a little, reminding her to be careful but not worrying her enough to stop. She needed to reach the shelf above the kitchen counter. She needed to dust it again.

Emily moved the silk plants and baskets that decorated the shelf, wiped off whatever dust might have accumulated in less than a week, took the rag and began to scrub a spot she had missed when she had dusted last week. She had already mopped and vacuumed and washed the living room windows, which were spotted from the light rain that had fallen a few days ago. She would do the rest tomorrow.

She scrubbed hard on the spot. She was almost finished when the doorbell rang. She glanced toward the front door, for an instant thinking it might be Reed. Probably not since he had been there just that morning. She always looked forward to his visits. In high school, she’d had a crush on him but once he’d met Carol, he had never really noticed her again.

With a sigh, she climbed down the ladder. Tossing the wet rag into the sink, she wiped her hands on her apron and crossed the living room. For an instant, when she spotted the uniform through the window, she thought she was wrong and Reed had returned but when she pulled open the door, another officer stood on the porch.

“Hello, Emily.”

She stepped back, letting Deputy Patrick Murphy walk past her into the living room. “Hi, Pat.”

He took off his brown felt hat and held it in both hands. “I... ummm... thought I’d stop by... see if there was anything you might need.” He had brownish red hair and hazel eyes. He had a nice smile, though he was a little bit shy about using it.

She tried to smile in return, but all of a sudden, she felt exhausted and wound up just shaking her head. “The sheriff was here this morning. He brought me some milk. That’s all I really needed.”

Patrick turned his hat brim in his big, lightly freckled hands. He was a year younger than she was. She knew because he had also gone to Dreyerville High.

“I… ummm ... noticed your yard needs some work. With winter over, the shrubs are growing like crazy. The bushes could use a trim, get spruced up a bit. Be nice to put in some spring flowers.”

She glanced out the window. “I’ve been so busy with the house I... I hadn’t thought about the yard. I’ll have to get out there this week.”

He blanched. “I didn’t mean for you to do it. I was thinking... you know, maybe I’d stop by and do it for you.”

“That isn’t necessary, Patrick.”

“I’d like to help, Em. I mean... if you wouldn’t mind.”

She released a shaky breath. “That’s very nice of you, Pat, but—”

“I could start tomorrow. My shift ends at three. It would only take me a couple of days.”

He was trying to help. Everyone had been so nice since Randy died. It made her guilt even worse.

“That’s really kind of you... if you're sure you wouldn't mind."

Patrick smiled. “I wouldn't mind at all." He was a nice looking man, she thought. Even the slightly crooked nose he had gotten in a fist fight in high school didn't detract from his appearance. She wondered why he wasn't married.

“I'll be here tomorrow after my shift is over. I left my phone number the last time I was here. You still have it, right?"

If she did, she had no idea where it was. “I'm sure I do." And she could probably find it. Before Randy died, she had been so disorganized. It was one of the things he disliked about her but she was better about it now.

“If you need anything, just call and I'll pick it up on my way over."

She nodded, gave him a weary smile. “Thank you, Patrick."

“I'll see you tomorrow, then."

She walked him to the door, watched him through the window as he made his way along the cement walkway. The car door opened and he slid behind the wheel. The engine roared to life. He backed out of the driveway and drove away.

The deputies who continued to stop by were all friends Copyright 2016 - 2024