The Christmas Clock and A Song For My Mother - Kat Martin Page 0,32

make ourselves a nice cup when we felt like it.”

Floyd smiled so wide that little crinkles formed beside his eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen him smile that way. “Yeah, a little tea in the afternoon is always a good idea.”

Doris’s smile was equally bright.

It wasn’t Christmas yet, but that didn’t matter. Floyd had just given her the best Christmas present she had received in years.


Syl dropped by the repair shop after work. Dr. Davis's office closed half an hour before the garage closed up, so she figured Joe would still be there. She thought she would see if he wanted to go get a pizza or something.

Syl smiled as she walked toward the glass front door beneath the new sign that read Dixon's Auto Repair. The name change was Bumper Murdock's early Christmas present to Joe, though Bumper would still be part owner until Joe's last payment, which was due next June.

Since that afternoon in her apartment, Joe had been spending most of his nights at her place and it had been wonderful. He was everything she remembered him to be and so much more, a man now instead of a boy.

She was in love with him, she knew, and sometimes the fear arose. What if Joe's feelings for her weren't the same as hers were for him? What if his image of the girl she had been didn't match the woman she had become?

She tried to face her fears, which she handled okay most of the time. Today, they were nowhere in sight and she just wanted to be with Joe.

She walked into the shop to find Bumper Murdock standing next to his son, Charlie. They were cookie-cutter images, two men built like fireplugs, except that Bumper had a roll around his middle that hung over his pants, and his dark brown hair was studded with silver.

“Hi, Bumper! Hi, Charlie!”

“Hey, Syl!” Charlie called back to her and Bumper waved.

She glanced around, looking for Joe.

“He ain't here," Bumper said. “Had an appointment with that attorney he hired. Should be back, though, anytime soon.”

“I think I'll wait.”

She didn't have to wait long. Joe walked through the back door, and the instant she saw him, she knew something was wrong.

She hurried over, meeting him halfway across the shop. “What happened? Is it Teddy?”

Joe's jaw hardened. “The court turned down my petition. Said with my criminal record, it was too much of a risk.”

“Oh, Joe.” He walked into the waiting area and sank down heavily on the sofa. Syl followed him in and so did Bumper and Charlie.

“That's a load of crap,” Bumper said. “You were a kid back then. You're not like that now.”

“The judge said if the court was to err, it had to be on the side of safety. They have to protect the kid.”

It was a good argument, though in this case, the best place for Teddy was with Joe.

“So what are you gonna do?” Charlie asked.

“I don't know. The lawyer says we might be able to file an appeal but even if we do…” He broke off, shook his head, swallowed. “I've got to tell Teddy. It isn't fair to keep his hopes up.”

“Will the Macks let you see him?” Syl asked, her heart aching for Joe. Until this moment, she had secretly believed the court would grant him custody. Joe was meant to be a father. Knowing she could never give him the children he deserved was one of the reasons she had ended their engagement. Joe loved children and he loved Teddy. There couldn't be a better man to become Teddy's father.

“I called Bill Mack. I told him the petition had been denied and asked if he would let me come over and talk to Teddy. Mack said it was okay.”

He looked at her, and she could see the pain etched into his face. “God, Syl, what am I going to say to him? I let Teddy believe he could count on me and now I'm letting him down.”

“You tried, Joe. You did your best. That's all anyone can do.”

He didn't answer her, just leaned over and gave her a brief kiss on the lips. “I need to go over there now. I'll call you when I'm finished.”

“You want me to go with you?"

He shook his head. “Thanks, but I need to do this alone.”

Syl understood. Her heart was hurting, aching for Joe. And for little Teddy. She watched Joe walk away, his broad shoulders slumped in a way she had Copyright 2016 - 2024