Child's Play - Danielle Steel Page 0,67

leave our offer on the table for seventy-two hours, for your client to reconsider. After that, our offer will be withdrawn.”

“I understand,” Scott said for the benefit of the court reporter typing a transcript of the proceedings, so they couldn’t say later that they didn’t know the deal would be off the table in seventy-two hours. It was a tedious business, and Scott looked as fed up as she was.

Kate and her partners waited for opposing counsel to leave with their client. They took their time. As Scott marched past her stone-faced, he whispered almost inaudibly, “I’m sorry.” No one heard him but Kate. She showed no reaction other than a barely perceptible nod.

As soon as they’d left, her partners exploded. Their client looked discouraged. It was an incredible waste of time and money. They’d probably go to trial on it in a year, maybe two. They were prepared to. The heat might have gone out of it by then. Sometimes litigation like this was settled on the courthouse steps the night before the trial, or the morning of it. But in the meantime, they had to prepare for a trial.

She didn’t hear from Scott afterward. It would have been inappropriate and there was nothing left to say. It was all in his client’s hands.

* * *

The following day, Kate had dinner with all three of her children at Le Bernardin, one of the best restaurants in New York, before they left for their respective trips on Wednesday, either to see their de facto in-laws, or in Claire’s case to get some sun. Since Reed’s parents were both deceased, and he had no siblings, he liked going away for holidays, and was thrilled to have Claire to spend them with now. He was looking forward to Christmas Eve at Kate’s. He seemed hungry for family connection.

Anthony was looking forward to going to Puerto Rico with Alicia. He had met her mother who lived in the Bronx now in a tiny apartment. He could see where Alicia got her looks. Now he was going to meet her father and his second family in San Juan. She had five half brothers and sisters, all younger than she was, in their early to mid-twenties.

And Tammy was going to Columbus, Ohio, with Stacey, where her parents and brother and his family lived. She had met them all before and enjoyed them. Then they were going to Sun Valley, Idaho on Friday for the weekend to ski.

Anthony and Tammy felt guilty leaving their mother, and Claire didn’t say anything. She was quiet and sullen through most of dinner, which Anthony told her had become really boring. None of them had brought their partners along. It was family only, so they could speak more freely, and Anthony called Claire a spoiled brat several times. He finally had enough and snapped at her at the end of dinner.

“I don’t see why you need to be a bitch to Mom. She doesn’t like you having a baby out of wedlock and showing off about it, and not getting married. She’s entitled to her opinion. Most people, particularly of her generation, feel that way, so why do you have to be such a bitch to her? Frankly, I don’t think it’s cool either. I wouldn’t do what you’re doing, and Alicia wouldn’t either. We talked about it. And neither would Tammy, I know her. So why do you have to be the odd man out and be so shitty to Mom on top of it? I just don’t get it. Couldn’t you at least be a little apologetic, out of respect for her? Would that cost you so much?”

“I’ll get married when I want to, not when I have to. No one can dictate to me when I should get married. And I don’t owe anyone an apology for living my life the way I want to. I support myself, so I don’t owe anyone anything,” she said nastily, as Kate looked pained.

“No, you don’t,” Anthony corrected her. “Reed supports you, and you’re damn lucky he does. You’re living like the Queen of Sheba, and being snotty to Mom on someone else’s dime.” Claire’s face turned red.

“This isn’t about money,” she argued hotly.

“No, it’s not. It’s about manners, and traditions, and morals, and respect for how you grew up, and everything Mom did for us. You don’t pay that back by snubbing her because she’s upset that you’re having a baby out of wedlock. She has every Copyright 2016 - 2024