Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemi Page 0,120

one of them holds truth. When Inan looks up at me, I see a hint of the optimism that’s always shining in Amari’s eyes. Despite everything, he’s determined to do this.

He really wants Orïsha to change.

If Sky Mother brought the scroll to you through a descendant of Saran’s blood, her will is clear. Lekan’s words echo through my head as I stare at Inan, entranced by his strong jaw, the stubble lining his chin. If one descendant of Saran’s blood is supposed to help me, could the gods want Inan to rule and change the guard? Is that what we’re doing here? Why they gifted him this magic?

Inan floats closer and my heartbeat spikes. I should swim away. But I stay still, cemented in place.

“I don’t want anyone else to die,” he whispers. “I can’t take any more blood on my family’s hands.”

Pretty lies. That’s all this is. But if they’re just pretty lies, why can’t I swim away?

My gods, is he even wearing clothes? My eyes comb over his broad chest, the curves of each muscle. But before I catch sight of anything under the water, I jerk my eyes up. What in Sky Mother’s name am I doing?

I force myself to swim through the waterfall until my back rests against the cliff’s edge. This is absurd. Why did I let him bring me here?

I hope the pounding water will keep Inan on the other side, but within moments, he swims through the cascading water to join me.

Go. I order my legs to kick, but I’m ensnared by the soft smile on his lips.

“Do you want me to leave?”


That’s what I need to say. But the closer he swims, the more something in me wants him to stay. He pauses before he’s too close, forcing me to respond.

Do I want him to go?

Though my heart slams against my chest, I know the answer.


His smile fades and his gaze grows soft, a look I haven’t seen on his face before. When others look at me this way, I want to claw their eyes out. Yet somehow, under Inan’s gaze, I want more.

“Can I…” His voice trails off and his cheeks flush, unable to voice his desire. But he doesn’t need words. Not when an undeniable part of me wants the same thing.

I nod and he raises a shaking hand, brushing it against my cheek. I close my eyes, taken away by the rush of his simple touch. It burns through my chest, rages down my spine. His hand slides past my cheek and into my hair, his fingers tickling my scalp.

Gods …

If a guard ever saw this, I’d be killed on the spot. Even as a prince, Inan could be thrown in jail.

But despite the rules of our world, Inan’s other hand pulls me close, inviting me to let go. I close my eyes and lean in, closer to the little prince than I should ever be.

His lips graze mine—


* * *

WITH A LURCH, MY body jumps back into the real world.

My eyes snap open just as Tzain rips Inan away. He lifts him by the collar of his kaftan and throws him to the ground.

“Tzain, stop!” I scramble up, forcing my way between them.

“Stay away from my sister!”

“I should leave.” Inan looks at me for a moment before backing away into the trees. He grips the bronze piece tight in his hands. “I’ll be back at the camp.”

“What’s wrong with you?” I shout as soon as Inan is out of earshot.

“Wrong with me?” Tzain roars. “Gods, Zél, what the hell are you doing out here? I thought you could be hurt!”

“I was trying to help him. He doesn’t know how to control his magic. It causes him pain—”

“For gods’ sakes, he’s the enemy. If he’s in pain, that’s better for us!”

“Tzain, I know it’s hard to believe, but he wants to fix Orïsha. He’s trying to make it safe for all the maji.”

“Is he brainwashing you?” Tzain shakes his head. “Is this his magic? You’re a lot of things, Zél, but I know you’re not this naive.”

“You don’t get it.” I look away. “You’ve never had to. You get to be the perfect kosidán everyone loves. Every day I have to be afraid.”

Tzain steps back as if I’ve struck him. “You think I don’t know what it’s like to wake up every day and worry it’s going to be your last?”

“Then give Inan a chance! Amari is only a princess. When magic comes back, she’s not first in line. Copyright 2016 - 2024