Cherry Creek - Dani Matthews Page 0,82

sign that you're low on energy, and you need to feed. Learn how long you can go in between feedings and try to make it a routine, like eating. Don't let yourself get too low, okay? You can feed off Nathan maybe two more times, then he's permanently off limits for at least a year. Do you understand?”

I nod. “How often do you think I'll have to feed?”

“I'm not sure. We won't know until you start developing headaches again. Just pay attention to your body, and don't ignore the signs.”

“Addie made me that special tea of hers. Does that prolong the debilitating symptoms?” I ask as my thoughts once again shift to a new thought.

“No. What she gave you was simply to help with the pain.”

“Is Addie one of us as well?” I ask tentatively.

“Nope. She's a Sieben witch. Khristos hired her a few years ago when he thought there was a possibility you'd come to live with us. She likes it here, and Khristos is very generous to her and her Coven, so she's become a regular employee.”

Addie's a witch. I would have never guessed. “What about you? How often do you have to feed? Or am I not supposed to ask that?” I quickly add as I realize I might have just asked something that's considered rude.

Roman’s lips curve. “You can ask, I don't care. But I wouldn't go around asking others of our kind that question.”

“Okay. I'll try to remember that.”

“As for your question, I feed every five days.”

Wow. I was expecting maybe once a month or something. Guess I was way off. It's weird knowing Roman has to have sex once every five days to survive. I wonder how long I'll have before I have to feed again. I hope it's quite a while. I'm not ready to try this whole feeding thing again. Especially after what happened last time.

Chapter Fourteen

I'm still trying to process everything a few days later, but I've managed to at least go back to my normal routine as far as my job is concerned. Working at the store helps give me a sense of normalcy. However, I'm still avoiding Khristos, and he's not pushing to talk to me at this point. He's giving me space, and I am grateful for that. I’ve managed to let go of some of my anger towards him over Brad, but I am still annoyed with how he announced my mom's betrayal. He'd just dumped it on me without cushioning the blow. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to realize that's just who he is. Roman already warned me that their kind isn't very soft-hearted.

As for Roman, we're getting along better than before. He lets me pick his brains whenever a question enters my mind, and I like that. All the newness of everything has been quite the distraction, and I haven't been left with much time to think about Trace. I know he's been around, but I haven't seen him since the day he'd held me while I'd slept at the pond. Everything Roman told me echoes in my head when I do think of him, though. I need to keep my relationship with him strictly platonic, or I'm asking to get my heart broken.

I'm just about to take a bath when there's a knock on my door. Roman's the only one who comes up to my room, so I know it's him. Either he's bored or he wants something. “Come in,” I call as I open my dresser drawer to pull out something comfortable to wear after my bath.

“You have got to get a life,” Roman announces as he saunters into my room.

I glance at him and try not to stare. He's on the prowl tonight, because he's looking hotter than normal. Dang, I have got to stop noticing how his shirts outline his muscles. “I have a life. A crazy one at the moment,” I say dryly as I turn away and grab a pair of shorts and a matching shirt.

“No, your life is boring as hell,” he corrects. “All you do is work and hide out up here.”

“That's about all I've felt like doing lately,” I say with a shrug as I close the dresser drawer and look at him warily. “Can I ask you something?”

He folds his arms across his wide chest and smiles teasingly. “You usually do.”

“Do you think Khristos would really track down my mom if I asked? He said he would at one point, but was that just to keep me Copyright 2016 - 2024