Cherry Creek - Dani Matthews Page 0,55

has one, but I can't work up the nerve. I threw myself at him Friday night, no need to make it worse by asking if he's single.

Trace straightens up, no longer leaning against the gym equipment. “Do you work tomorrow?”

I nod.

“You should try to get some sleep, or you'll be tired during your shift.”

I guess that's my cue that this conversation is over. “I should go back upstairs,” I agree as I rise to my feet.


On Tuesday, I am determined to hire another private investigator. This time I bring along more cash after digging into the secret stash in my shoe box. I also take off early from the store after asking Selena if I could leave for an appointment.

The entire way to Minneapolis, I watch the rearview mirror intently. It doesn't seem like anyone's following me. But just in case, I drive around the city aimlessly until I feel comfortable driving into a parking ramp about a block down from Kramer's office. He's expecting me after I'd called earlier for an appointment.

After exiting the ramp, I walk briskly down the street, looking around every so often. I'd deliberately parked in the ramp so that my car wasn't noticeable if I am indeed being followed tonight. I don't feel that odd sensation of being watched, so I'm thinking I'm in the clear. I either lost a tail in traffic, or no one's watching me. Maybe they still think I'm at work.

The meeting with Kramer is quick. He balks at my age, but when I offer up extra cash, his eyes gleam and he accepts my case. I dare to inquire if he'd look into one other person, and when I give him Khristos's full name, Kramer immediately shakes his head. “I'll look for Caroline Vauss, but I'm not looking into Khristos Deveroux.”


“He's an acquaintance. He's off limits.”

I begin to worry. “Can we keep the investigation confidential?”

“Yes, every case is always confidential. And considering this is off the record because of your age, I'm not likely to share it with anyone.”

After I fill out the paperwork, I walk out feeling pleased by the meeting. Hopefully Kramer can find my mom.

The sooner the better.

Chapter Ten

My heart sinks when Tatum enters the store during my shift on Wednesday. The last person I want to see is the girl responsible for me jumping Trace in the foyer. I quickly turn my back on her before she notices me, and I walk to the very back of the store to begin rearranging the satin robes hanging off a rack. Someone had gotten sloppy earlier when rummaging through them. I begin separating the colors and organizing them neatly.

I smell her unique perfume before she speaks, and I try not to tense up.

“You cut out early Friday night,” Tatum says from behind me.

Since I'm working, I have no choice but to act professional and friendly. Especially since Selena is working tonight. I turn and paste a polite smile on my lips. “I wasn't in the mood to stick around.”

Her bright red lips compress slightly as she studies me. “Why are you so standoffish?”

“I'm not,” I say as I turn back to the robes and grab a couple more pinks that are mixed in with the purples.

“Yes, you are. Roman can't get close to you, and neither can I. It's like you're anti-social or something.”

I level her with a look as I shove the robes in place. “Why exactly would you want to get close to me, Tatum?”

“You're Roman's cousin,” she points out.

Now, I turn and face her completely as I give her my undivided attention. “I feel like there's more to it. Roman acts strange around me. And you...I get the feeling that you don't even like me.”

Tatum cocks her head, her dark brown eyes narrowing before she says simply, “You're right. I don't like you.”

I hate her confidence. “I don't like you, either.”

“Glad we're in agreement over something.” Her eyes drift over my outfit, taking in my pale blue skirt and white blouse. “Someday, real soon, you're going to need me. That day will be here sooner than you think,” she warns.

Her comment sobers me up real fast as I study her. She knows whatever Roman and Khristos is keeping from me. I don't like her, but I have to ask, “There's a lot that I don't know, isn't there?”

“Yes,” she confirms.

I can't keep my eyes from widening slightly, because I hadn’t expected her to admit it. “Khristos and Roman are hiding something. Something big,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024