Cherry Creek - Dani Matthews Page 0,54

he walks towards me.

“What are you doing here?” I counter back as I fight the urge to watch a droplet of sweat make its way down the center of his chest.


I can't help myself.

The drop trails down those ridged stomach muscles, and I watch as it dips down into his belly button. He has a nice innie. My eyes helplessly drop lower, and I see a hint of dark hair just above the top of his low riding shorts.

“Sorry,” Trace mutters as he abruptly turns away, grabbing a towel off a hook on the wall. He quickly runs the towel over his chest to dry off the sweat.

Heat rises to my face as I realize I have once again been caught checking out his fine body. Why can't I act normal around him? As I try to pull myself together, I look around the room. My eyes linger everywhere but him. “I had no idea this place has a gym. Or a theater,” I add.

“There's also an indoor pool.”

My eyes jerk back to him, and I see he's now wearing a shirt. Thank you, Lord. “A pool? Really?”

“Yes.” He looks at me closely as he asks, “What are you doing down here? You should be sleeping.”

“I couldn't sleep. Why are you here?”

Trace hesitates. “I live here.”

“You live here?” I echo as I stare at him.

“I'm a personal assistant, I'm usually nearby,” he explains as he reaches up and brushes aside a sweaty piece of hair near his cheek.

“But I've never seen you!”

“I have my own suite, and there's a back entrance I use. I'm not a member of the family, I'm an employee,” he points out. “Employee's don't lounge around their employer's house. That's like the housekeeper making use of the theater or pool while on the job.”

Oh. A frown flickers across my lips. “It's two in the morning, you know.”

Trace folds his arms over his impressive tee-shirt covered chest. “Yes, I'm aware. Why are you down here?”

“I'm exploring.”

His gray eyes roam over my face. “Anything wrong?”

“I have a lot on my mind.”

“Maybe I can help. Want to talk about it?” He motions to the bench press and looks at me expectantly. “Sit. We'll talk until you're ready to go back to bed.”

The fact that he wants to spend time with me has me walking over and sitting down. That's when I realize I probably have bed head. I glance down, remembering that I'm wearing shorts and a tank. I probably look like crap. Well, too late now. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and watch as Trace leans against a nearby machine.

“What's going on in that head of yours?” he asks.

I decide to go with the truth. “It bothers me that I haven't heard from my mom.”

“Has she always been the attentive type? Did she always need to know where you were? Like that type of attentive?” He asks with interest as he wipes his sweaty brow while his attention stays focused on me.

“No, not really,” I say reluctantly.

“Maybe she's just really caught up in her own life right now.”

“But to disconnect the phone, the only way I have to contact her?”

“Is it possible the phone was damaged, and she just hasn't had the chance to replace it?” he questions.

“It's been weeks, Trace.”

“She still might call,” he offers.

I nod, looking down at my hands. I don't think she will. Either she's moved on with her own life without me or something happened. If only I knew she was okay.

“You were out with Roman Friday night, so I take it things are good now between you two?”

His question has me looking up at him again. His eyes are watchful as he waits for an answer. “We're getting there. I'm not sure I like his friends.”

Interest flickers across his features. “Why not?”

“Nathan's made a pass at me twice when I've made it pretty clear I'm not interested. As for Tatum and Harper, I just don't feel comfortable around them.”

“Sometimes it takes a while to grow comfortable around people that are new to you.”

I doubt I'll ever be comfortable around them. “So, were you out with friends Friday night?”


“I'm sorry you cut your night short because of me.” I flush slightly.

“I didn't. I went back after you passed out.”

Jealousy creeps up on me, and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. He'd either gone back to the club to be with friends or to be with a woman. Maybe even a girlfriend. I want to ask if he Copyright 2016 - 2024