Chasing Heartbreak (Dark Love #6) - Kat T. Masen Page 0,91

distracted again. Calm the fuck down.

“Dominic is coming.”

The second the name drops, anger sweeps through me like a force of nature. My fists clench into a ball, stiff against my sides as I stretch my neck in silence. Beneath the business shirt and vest I’m wearing, heat rises, making the room stifling hot.

The timing of this man has been the bane of my existence. The nerve of him to pursue Kate like she’s a fucking toy, to turning up at her apartment begging her with his newly found profession of love. And all of a sudden, he is Eric’s best friend, their bond unbreakable from the brotherhood.

I don’t buy it for one second. He has an agenda, and he wants what is mine.

“Talk to me, please,” she begs with pleading eyes.

“What’s there to say?” I shrug, folding my arms while tucking in my upper lip. “He’s Eric’s brother, apparently.”


A knock on the door breaks the mounting tension. Lex enters the room quietly, watching both of us with curiosity.

“Am I interrupting anything?”

“No,” we both say in unison.

“Great,” he says, though still appearing cautious. “Noah, can we move our five o’clock meeting to now? Charlotte is held up across town, so I need to pick up the girls.”


“Lex,” Kate calls as she walks to her desk. “Before you leave, can you sign these documents so we can FedEx them to Manhattan overnight?”

Lex moves toward the table, grabbing a pen and signing the papers.

“I’ll meet you in your office in five minutes,” he tells me before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

“My afternoon is clear, so I’m going to pick up the kids,” Kate mentions once he is gone.

“I thought Morgan had Jessa tonight, and we only had Nash?”

“Morgan texted me an hour ago. Her flight is delayed, and she won’t be in until after eight. You know Jessa is always exhausted on Fridays after school. I suggested she stay the night and pick her up in the morning before we leave for Vegas.”

The guilt consumes me, the anger I momentarily take out on Kate because I can’t control Dominic attending this weekend. And she doesn’t deserve my anger, not when she’s does everything she can possibly do to make our family work. She is the reason why Morgan and I can finally co-parent without the hateful words and threats. She’s also the reason why my son is in my life more than ever.

“A good idea,” I mumble, defeated. “I’ll see you tonight once I’m done.”

She nods her head in agreeance. “And Noah?”


“I love you. Just a bump, okay? We’ll get through this because we always do.”

Inside my office, Lex is already sitting down while talking on his phone. His tone is unforgiving, and judging by the way he is pinching the bridge of his nose, he is not getting the answers he needs.

“Just get me those signed contracts you promised to deliver. You’ve got until the close of business.”

He ends the call abruptly as I’ve seen him do several times before, letting out a puff of air while shaking his head in annoyance.

“Let’s call Johnson. I’m certain he will come up with some excuse as to why he is late with his numbers,” I mention, frustrated at dealing with idiots.

“Before we do that, is everything okay? Between you and Kate?”

“It’s fine,” I lie, not wanting to get into the semantics of it all.

“I heard about Dominic. Charlotte told me this afternoon.”

I crack my neck, the sound of his name becoming this trigger I can’t seem to get any control over.

“Take it from me,” Lex suggests, his brotherly advice always wise. “You’re going to drive yourself crazy if you don’t control the situation yourself. It’s not easy to be in the company of someone who wants what you have.”

“Right,” I mumble. “I guess you would know since that person married your sister. Though you seem to be fine with it.”

Lex lets out a long-winded breath. “I wasn’t fine with it. It was a challenging time for our family. I was angry for a long time, but in the end, I had no choice. Adriana is my blood. I will do anything for her, even if that means I have to relinquish my own demons and give her freedom to make her own decisions. I guess, in the end, she is happy, and he’s proven his worth.”

“I don’t know how you do it. The mere thought of being in the same room as that fucker, I just want to punch his Copyright 2016 - 2024