Chasing Heartbreak (Dark Love #6) - Kat T. Masen Page 0,33

to his life when it’s evident he’s going through something significant.

Beneath the table, I move my hand toward his and place it on top, squeezing it tight to let him know it’ll be okay. He doesn’t flinch nor turn my way, but beneath my hand, his muscles relax.

Mr. Auvray spends most of the dinner educating us on the history of the winery.

The food is delicious—French delicacies and, of course, more cheese. The three of us verbally agree for Lexed to invest in the business, seeing its potential and the passion the Auvray’s have toward maintaining its integrity.

“I’ll organize a meeting this week and gather my team to begin working on this project,” I inform Mr. Auvray. “I’d also like my management team, who will be working closely with you, to come visit so they can experience all of this for themselves.”

Raising his glass, he welcomes us to join him. “Un toast à notre avenir!”

We toast to our future, our glasses clinking against each other until it’s Noah’s against mine. With a warm smile, Noah’s face softens as we drink more champagne.

After several courses are served, we retreat to the outside area with our glasses. There’s a beautiful stone fire pit that sits in the middle of an open space, surrounded by soft lounge chairs. It’s a beautiful night out of the city, stars twinkling with a summer breeze cooling our skin.

“I’ve fallen in love with this place,” Charlie murmurs, nestling her head against Lex’s chest. “France is beautiful.”

“Perhaps we can purchase a chateau and bring the girls here for the summer?” Lex suggests.

Charlie sits up with a grin. “How very Angelina Jolie of you. But are you serious?”

“Why not? Money’s not an object. With Kate here, she can use the place whenever she feels like, and Mom loves France. Even Adriana could come to stay if she’d like.”

“Oh my gosh, okay, there’s so much to think about.” Charlie’s excitement picks up, prompting her to place her glass down.

“Okay, calm down.” Lex smiles, stretching his arms with a yawn escaping. “I need sleep while you scour Pinterest like usual.”

The two of them call it a night, leaving Noah and me by ourselves as they walk back, holding hands with Charlie giggling. Seeing them together still brings me joy. After what they went through years ago, it’s clear that they were always destined to be together despite what life threw at them. I’m not a strong believer in the whole ‘soulmate’ thing, but I swear they’re soulmates. They complement each other yet never sacrifice their beliefs for the sake of staying together. They follow their passions, and at the end of the day, share their lives while raising a beautiful family. I’ve always admired the way Charlie makes it all work and respects Lex for his commitment toward his family.

In the air, the sound of nature is somewhat comforting, but sooner or later, we will have to talk.

“Noah, I’m sorry about earlier today. I had no right to blame you for your marriage. It was rude and uncalled for.”

He releases a sigh, taking a drink. “Me, too. I could blame the shots last night or lack of sleep, but it’s all an excuse.”

I pour him more champagne and some for myself. Resting my back against the chair, my gaze lingers toward the night sky, the blank canvas a refreshing break from the chaos we’ve both been trying to fight against.

“What happened to you and Morgan?” I whisper, keeping my stare fixed on the sky, hoping I’m not smothering him with my curiosity.

“We fell apart,” he draws out in a long breath. “She wanted our marriage to work one way, and I wanted it another way. We tried to compromise, but all we did was fight.”

“And now?”

“She handed me divorce papers, Kate. And the same night she did that, I was beyond hurt and made a mistake.”

“A mistake?”

“I slept with someone.”


“Well, I sort of knew her but not really. To get to the point, she fell pregnant. I have a son, Nash.”

I almost choke on my wine, making a gurgling sound as Noah pats my back hard. Sitting up, I turn to face him. “Let me get this straight. Morgan hands you divorce papers, so you screw what’s her—”

“Olivia,” he interrupts.

“Olivia, and she gave birth to your son? But how?”

“Ask the universe. The condom must have broken. I was angry at Morgan. I don’t know, Kate. It’s done, okay?”

By just the sound of his voice, I can hear the pain from his open Copyright 2016 - 2024