Chasing Heartbreak (Dark Love #6) - Kat T. Masen Page 0,24

walk toward the VIP line, which is moving quicker than the general admission. A few months ago, when Charlie told me she wanted to attend, I spoke to a few colleagues who suggested we purchase the extravagant tickets. It would give us lavish tables to sit at, buffet food, and unlimited drinks.

The selling point being the unlimited drinks.

As we enter the main ballroom after checking in, it’s like stepping into a dance party with performing acts. Everywhere you turn, there’s something to look at, which momentarily distracts me from Noah grabbing my hand and pulling me along with Lex and Charlie.

Some performers stand on podiums, moving their limbs in what I assume is interpretive dance. Another is doing a juggling act with fireball lanterns, drawing a crowd to watch their amazing skills on show.

Strobe lights dart across the large event space, neon colors against the dark walls in beat with the music which is playing. There’s so much to take in, and I begin to understand why people lose themselves for hours amongst the entertainment, which is so much more fun while dressed in a costume.

Lex finds our table and, of course, he pulls some extra strings and makes sure we have the bells and whistles. We’re positioned upstairs with the best view of the entire venue, close enough to see the main stage. The table is also near the buffet and bar, plus restrooms.

A bucket of chilled champagne sits in the middle of our table. Without delay, I pop it open and pour myself a glass, drinking it without even releasing a breath. Lex and Noah watch me in amusement, whereas Charlie cocks her head to the side, knowing she’s just about to encounter the peak of the storm.

“How about we grab more drinks?” Lex suggests to Charlie.

“You stay, Lex,” I almost push him back onto the seat. “I need to have a word with Charlie.”

I don’t give him a chance to answer, pinching her arm until we’re at the bar.

“Ow!” She scowls, yanking her arm away from me. “You’re hurting me, Kate!”

“What were you thinking, bringing Noah?” I yell, exasperated.

Still rubbing her arm, she lets out a huff. “I was thinking, wouldn’t it be fun?”


The bartender serves us straight away. I order an expensive bottle of champagne and bourbons for the men. “Charlie, Noah and I are… not really friends anymore.”

“Look, Kate. To be honest, Noah needed some time to think, and I thought this would be great. You know my opinion on what happened years ago. He’s not in a good place right now, and I’m worried, okay?”

When it comes to Noah’s personal life, I told Charlie to refrain from telling me anything. As far as I’m concerned, he and Morgan are starting a family. He loves her, and marriage was imminent. The less I know, the better.

But, of course, Eric opened his big fat mouth to me a few months back during one of his drunken late-night rants. According to him, Noah and Morgan are separated, though he doesn’t know the details as to why. I don’t pry, nor question Charlie or anyone else. If Noah needs me as a so-called friend, there’s ample opportunity to reach out. Despite what happened to us, I’d never push him away if he needed me. However, I don’t want to be caught in the crossfire knowing all too well my presence in Noah’s life way back when is an issue for Morgan.

The tray of drinks is served, but I pull Charlie to stop before we take it back.

“What’s going on?” I finally cave, exhaling before continuing. “Is this serious? Is he sick?”

“It’s not my place to share his problems. Just be his friend, Kate. That’s all he needs right now.

With every step back toward the table, Charlie’s words echo inside my head. Being a ‘friend’ to Noah is more complicated than I care to admit to her and me. The last time I got attached, the flame reached me in the end and burned me, leaving a prominent scar I’d covered up until tonight.

Charlie slides into her chair, leaning closer to Lex as the two of them kiss. I shift my gaze in the opposite direction before deciding to drink some more. Noah sits in silence, staring at the main arena with a glazed expression. I’m drawn to the way he barely blinks, almost like he’s in a catatonic state. Indeed, if he were sick, Charlie would’ve told me the truth. But then again, what if he’s terminally ill? Copyright 2016 - 2024