Chasing Heartbreak (Dark Love #6) - Kat T. Masen Page 0,20


“You know, I welcome the distance from Eric at times. Aside from Miss Drama Queen, how is everyone else?”

“Good, I guess. Adriana is busy with Andy and Luna along with her fashion line and all their charity work,” Charlotte informs with a gleam in her expression. “They just returned from the Philippines.”


“Not exactly. Julian is writing a new book and needed to do some research. While they were there, they visited some orphanages and, well, you know them. They’ve spoken to Andrew and scheduled another visit in a few months.”

“Oh,” I say out loud. “Expanding the family again?”

“No, at least, I don’t think so. Just trying to do their part and help those in need.” Charlie takes a sip of champagne before continuing, “I wouldn’t put it past them, though. Julian is great with Andy and Luna. Adriana has dropped hints a few times, so you never know.”

“And things with Lex and Julian?” I ask with a knowing smirk. “Still okay?”

“As okay as it can be.” Charlie snorts behind her glass. “They’re civil to each other. They can be in the same room and have a healthy discussion on foreign affairs, but I won’t exactly call it perfect. For instance, I went over to visit Adriana for coffee, and she was running late. Naturally, I sat with Julian and talked while we waited. Let’s just say that my dear husband wasn’t so pleased.”

“Wait, by any chance, was this about a week or so ago?”

“How did you know?” Charlie raises her brow. “Did he tell you?”

“No, but we had a challenging video meeting with a client. Lex was pushed hard, and you know him, question his ethics, and he’ll lose his cool. It put him in a foul mood all day. I’m just saying it may not have been entirely your fault.”

“Explains the outburst,” Charlie drags, less than pleased. “Honestly, I still don’t know how you work with him. The man can be so—”

The sound of Lex clearing his throat prompts Charlie to stop talking. Keeping my smile hidden, I wait with anticipation for the argument to unfold. Standing against the door frame, Lex folds his arms, deliberately raising his brow with a smirk playing on his lips. He’s dressed casually for once—a pair of dark jeans and a light blue polo shirt.

I’ve been caught in the crossfire during many of their arguments, including the infamous fight in the restaurant when I first discovered Charlie was the woman Lex had been hopelessly in love with. Over time, it no longer bothered me. Just like when two of your siblings are fighting, and you’re in the corner with a tub of popcorn, glad it isn’t you for once.

“Don’t look at me that way,” Charlie warns him with squinting eyes. “You know you can be a pain in the ass. If I had to work with you, I’d have filed a complaint to Human Resources on day one.”

“Remind me why I married you again?” he questions, rubbing his chin.

“I’m great in bed. I can cook, plus you knocked me up, so…” Charlie answers confidently, grinning at her reflection as Lex remains unusually quiet. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? Drinks with your friend?”

An odd glance passes between them, prompting me to pay closer attention. Lex isn’t the type of person to keep ‘friends.’ For as long as I’ve known him, his ruthless persona landed him enemies more than anything. Most of the so-called friendships he has are all because of Charlie.

“Yes,” he agrees, checking his phone. “I’ll be back soon to change and will meet you both in Versailles.”

“We can wait,” I offer, watching him closely. “I’m sure we can be a little late.”

“I’d rather you ladies don’t miss anything.” He moves toward Charlie, kissing her on the cheek as something passes between them. Surprisingly, Charlie doesn’t argue with him and tells him to enjoy drinks.

The moment he leaves, I ask the questions lingering at the tip of my tongue.

“What was that about?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Lex rarely goes out with friends. Who’s this person he’s meeting?”

“Some guy he knows.” Charlie brushes it off like it’s not a big deal. “Look, it’s probably business since everything always is. As you know, his interest has shifted to the European market, so I don’t expect to be spending quality time with him here, which is why I have you.”

Breaking into a genuine smile, I ignore my curiosity and change the subject, asking her about the girls. When it comes to talking about her daughters, Charlie Copyright 2016 - 2024