Chase the Pain (Amatucci Family #1) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,44

different one. He’d once told me that he did it to spare his brothers an eternity in hell. That if he could save them the soul-stain of drawing blood from others, he would do it for a thousand years.

I nodded and smiled like I always did. “Where were you this time? Best color.”

He tipped his head to the side, a hint of his personality peeking back through. “Purest sapphire by day, indigo by night.”

I sucked in a breath. “Jealous.”

The corner of his lips ticked up. “You want to go traveling? We can go anywhere we want on the jet.”

I shook my head. “No. I’m just jealous of the colors you get to see. Take any pictures?” I was always looking for new color inspiration for my pastries and confections. I’d made a reputation for myself for having some of the best color palette cohesion…the joke was on the public. I just copied from nature.

He pulled his phone from his pocket. Hit a few buttons and handed it to me. “See for yourself.”

I oo’ed and ah’ed. The man might be able to kill you with a toothpick and a piece of dental floss, but he had creativity in his soul. Once I got to the end of the folder, I handed back his phone. “Can I have some print outs?”

He nodded. “Of course.” He stood up, shook out his legs.

I trailed my gaze up his toned body, met his eyes. “I don’t want pictures of your penis, Mas.” I shot him a wink.

His gravelly whispering laugh was beautiful. “I wasn’t offering. Tali said you needed help moving. Let’s get to it. I’d like to sleep before the sun comes back up.” He put his hands out for me to take.

I swung my legs to the floor. Well, I tried. I pushed them off the side of the couch, but it doesn’t sound nearly as elegant that way.

Grabbing Mas’ hands, I let him pull me up to my feet. Surprisingly, the quick shift of pain wasn’t as bad this time around. A few moments of brain searing tingles and then they drifted away.

His eyes hardened as he looked down at my face. “Name.”

I glared up at him. “You want that, you ask Dom. I won’t help tarnish your soul, Mas.” I brushed a hand over his heart.

His eyes closed for a moment, the corners of his mouth dipping down by the slightest margin. He leaned forward, pressed his lips to my forehead. “Bath time, little sister,” he said as he pulled back.

I nodded and followed him to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. He was slow and gentle as we navigated the furniture I’d refused to have moved. I needed to get better, not coddle myself by making it easier to walk around.

“Are you going to be ready for your parties this weekend?” he asked as he turned on the lights in the bedroom.

I smiled, shook my head. The man had been out of the country for at least three weeks and he knew my schedule. “Yeah. And I’ve recruited everyone to help if I’m not.”

He sent me a smile. “I’ll be there. You can order me around. And I’ll take care of my brothers who don’t want to be bossed around.” He bumped his shoulder into mine softly.

“Thank you. Rafe was already whining that I’m bitchy when I’m bossy.” I leaned up against the wall as he turned to flip on the water.

He chuckled softly. “That’s because Rafe’s the whiny bitch and he doesn’t like anyone taking his title.”

I had to lean forward to hear him over the roar of the water, but we managed.

He turned back to me. “Sleep wear?”

“Tank and boy shorts, please.”

He nodded and moved back to the bedroom.

While he was gone, I took my dress off and slid into the water. Hissing out a breath at what felt like freezing water, I had to wait for my arms to stop shaking before I could sit down. It seemed I needed to add some upper body strength exercises to my regular routine. I was a wimp with noodle arms.

I got halfway down in the water before my arms gave out. I landed with a huge thud and splash. Not to mention a guttural scream.

In no time, three Amatucci siblings were crowding into my bathroom.

“I’m fine. My arms gave out. I plopped down the last few inches.” I rolled my eyes at myself. I wasn’t usually klutzy. The fact that I couldn’t really rely on my body right now Copyright 2016 - 2024