Chase the Pain (Amatucci Family #1) - Sadie Jacks Page 0,28

dick would fill it quite nicely. But I also wanted to taste it. Taste her. Write her flavor on my mind. Write my name in her flesh with my whip. “You don’t remember any of that, but you remember that you called me Thor?”

She blinked a few times. Nodded her head, her brow furrowed. “Why would I only remember that part?” She looked up at me, sage green eyes wide.

I shook my head. Part of me was thankful she didn’t remember any of the rest of it. I’d made an ass out of myself flirting with her as we’d climbed down those stairs.

But another part of me, a part I rarely acknowledged, was pissed it had been wiped from her memory. One of the few times I behaved like a real live human and the only witness doesn’t remember it.

I shook my head again. “It doesn’t matter. Close your eyes. We’re almost there.”

Her lids slammed shut immediately.

“And I’m almost a century old. Hurry the fuck up, Penn. We still need to get to the DA’s office before it closes,” Domenico said.

I rolled my eyes. The man was bossy. And whiny with it. The business day had officially started an hour ago. We weren’t exactly racing daylight right now.

“Ever been dancing?” I asked Willow.

She shook her head. Nodded.

I laughed. “Which one, pet?”

“It depends on what kind of dancing you’re talking about.”

“Formal?” I retreated another step, forced her to join me in movement.

She nodded.


She shook her head. “I’ve tried, it just looks like I’m a decapitated chicken in death throes.”

I burst into laughter.

A soft smile bloomed on her face. Her head tilted to the side. “You should laugh more. It’s beautiful.”

My mirth eased. “Can’t do that. I’ve got a rep to uphold.”

She snorted. “Real bad boy, huh?”

Déjà vu slapped me in the face. Hard. “Yeah. Terrified mothers on reference to prove it.”

“I don’t know that bad boys help strangers walk across their apartments.”

“I’m on a redemption kick.”

She lost her smile. “Then you need to save it for someone else. You won’t get enough points from helping me.” She lowered her face, dislodging my hands.

“You think I’m that much of a lost cause, huh?” I asked her softly.

Her eyes flew open, horror written on her face. “No. No, that’s not what I meant at all.” She studied me for a moment.

I barely kept the smile off my face.

She pinched my hip. “That was a horrible thing to do.”

I moved my hands to fully frame her face. I caught her gaze with mine, let her see my sincerity. “I think helping angels qualifies for pretty high points.”

She lowered her gaze to my chin. “If I find one, I’ll send her your way.”

“I think I’ve already found her.” Fuck. I had to get out of here. I didn’t know what it was about this woman, but she kept twisting me in knots. And she didn’t notice or care.

Willow’s stomach protested loudly.

I smiled again. “And look, all done.” As if I’d removed earplugs, I could hear everyone else in the room again. They were talking amongst themselves as if it were Sunday fucking dinner. I’d been able to block them out. Completely.

I eyed the woman who’d let me guide her across a room essentially blind.

She opened her eyes. Looked around. When she looked back up at me, she had a look of stunned disbelief on her face. “How?”

I leaned down, put my lips by her ear. She smelled sweet. Like cookies and woman. “Like I said, I know a thing or two about bodies...and pain.”

When I straightened and looked back at her face, her pupils had dilated wildly. They were so blown out it looked like she had no color but black in her iris.

I watched her tongue flick out and wet her lower lip as her gaze dropped to my mouth. A soundless sigh escaped her lips before she lifted her gaze back to mine.

I raised a single brow as I waited for her to speak.

“Holy cannoli.” She blew out a deep breath. “Can I make you cupcakes?”

My brain short circuited.

Wait. What?


Where the hell did that come from?

Chapter 10 – Willow

I bit my lip at the confused look on his face. It wasn’t really his fault. I had a tendency to want to bake when I was turned on. I chuckled mentally—at least something good came of my aroused states. All the cookies, pies, brownies, cakes, confections a person could ever ask for.

They also gave me a lot more pleasure than sex. I sighed. Oh Copyright 2016 - 2024