Charming Devils - Katie May Page 0,92

the first time I’ve ever told a norm about my abilities. I always thought that if I told someone, it would be a lover. Not a fucking Devil. Even a week ago, I would’ve laughed my ass off at the concept. But now here I am. Isn’t life funny like that? “The natural reserve is what allows us to do this.”

I glance in both directions, ensuring no one is paying us any mind, before reaching forward and pretending to grab Lucas’s hand like some romantic, sappy couple. Instead, I use his palm as cover to hide the fact that my hand is now in flames. As quickly as they appear, I extinguish them, allowing the power to flow back into my stomach.

The only indication that Lucas is shocked by my display is the nearly imperceptible widening of his eyes. Other than that, he remains as cool as always, his poker face firmly intact.

“So you can use fire,” he breathes.

“All of the elements, actually. When your pants fell down, he was using air.” I move to take another sip of my shake. “We can do this type of magic naturally with training. But other magic? Harder spells? They require ingredients and spell chanting.”

“Like in the books,” Lucas replies, and I purse my lips to keep from smiling.

“Most people would compare me to the witches in the movies,” I point out. “Like the three sister witches from that one Halloween mov—”

“I don’t waste my time with trivial things such as television and movies,” he says with a sneer, and this time, I can’t hold my laughter in. It escapes completely unbidden, and his eyes narrow at the sound.

“One day, Lucas Scott, I will force you to watch Hocus Pocus with me, you mark my words.” It’s only when the words leave my mouth do I realize how they sound, how they could be construed. It almost sounds as if I’m—gag—flirting with Lucas. Asking him on a goddamn date.

I would rather stab my own eye out than ever willingly be alone with him.

The corner of his lips curls upwards a millimeter, but he doesn’t comment, choosing instead to resume his relentless questioning.

“Does your magic replenish naturally? Or do you need to do something to fill the reserves?” he fires off.

“Enough about me,” I huff. “Why can’t we talk about you?”

“Me?” His red brows furrow ever so slightly. “What do you want to know?”

“Everything,” I blurt automatically, my cheeks heating at my confession. He doesn’t need to know how fucking obsessed I am with him and his ex-best friends. His frosty eyes search my face, but I don’t have the faintest idea of what he’s looking for. After a moment, he nods his head and removes a quarter from his pocket.

“How about a wager?” he queries seriously. “Tails, I get to ask you a question. Heads, you can ask me one.”

I bite my lip, wondering if he has something up his sleeve that I don’t know about, but I can’t see what he has to gain by lying to me. If it’s a wager he wants, it’s a wager he’ll get.

“Fine. Deal.” I cross my arms over my chest as he flips the coin, both of us watching it sail through the air until it lands on the back of his hand, his other palm covering it. He flips it over for me to see the back end. A slow, beguiling smirk dances on his lips.

“Now, I would like to go back to my original question,” he says. “Your magic. How do you refill your magical reserves, or does it replenish automatically?”

“My coven does rituals on certain holidays,” I confess. “On Halloween, we plan to do another one. We take the magic that all of our deceased ancestors have put into the earth and distribute it between us all.” Normally, it’s a big event with grand parties, weddings, and parades. A part of me wishes I could be with my coven during the celebration, but I shove those thoughts aside.

“Coven…” Lucas tilts his head to the side, and I can’t help but notice that not a single hair falls out of place on his head. “What is that exactly?”

“Nope,” I draw out. “Coin.” His lips twitch, but he complies without complaint. Primal satisfaction oozes in my stomach when it lands on heads this time. “My turn,” I singsong, tapping my lip with a fry. “How did you discover this place? No offense, Lucas, but this doesn’t seem like your usual five-star restaurant.”

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