Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,64

that it makes a sound of protest.

“Fine, do it your way. I only wanted to make sure you didn’t have some sad booth that no one went to.” She turns to Reed. “Nice of you to back me up, seeing as I gave you her phone number. It’s called pay it forward, Reed, do you not understand the concept?” She doesn’t wait for him to answer but instead stomps away. “Georgia!” she says and her sidekick who is way too old to be bullied follows obediently.

My heartbeat slows and the sweat under my arms feels cold as it starts to dry. I circle around to face Reed.

“Shit, just when I didn’t think it was possible to want you more.”

He shakes his head, then links our hands together, leading us to the car. When we reach the sedan, he opens the door.

I slide in to the vanilla scented car. “Good morning, Abe.”

“Good morning, Victoria, or should I say Miss Bad Ass.” His amused eyes find me in the rearview mirror.

“You saw that, huh?”

“Made my morning,” he says with a chuckle.

“So, you witnessed the takedown, Abe?” Reed asks sliding in next to me.

I pick up my coffee from the beverage holder and sip the goodness I’ve been craving since my alarm went off.

“This definitely puts you in Prince Charming territory.” I point to the cup.

“Hey now, I’m the one who stopped there,” Abe jokes.

“Thanks, Abe.” I wink at him in the mirror.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, no taking credit. You tacked on another five dollars.” Reed reaches for his own cup out of the holder and tentatively takes a sip.

Abe pulls away from the curb and we start our trek downtown.

“I was thinking maybe I’ll go ahead and take Henry every day,” Reed says.

“I never see who drops Henry off on the other days. A car pulls up to the curb, Henry jumps out and they pull away.”

He nods. “An old silver Chrysler, right?”


“His grandpa. He’s not big on socializing. I think they’re getting older and didn’t really sign up for all this, you know?”

Pete always feigned caring about other people. He’d say all the right words, but it came off empty. With Reed, you see in his face how much he cares for Henry and how much he feels for what the family has had to endure.

“I can’t imagine.”

“Me either.” He frowns for a moment, deep in thought.

We sit for a few seconds, trying to time our sips with the stop and go Chicago traffic. Abe has the same morning radio show on as last time, but so far, the Second Date Update hasn’t come on.

“No chance of seeing you until Friday, huh?” Reed asks.

Abe glances up to the mirror and then back to the road.

“I have school,” I say, sticking my bottom lip out in a pout.

“Every night?”

“Tonight, Wednesday and Thursday.”

“None of them are online?”

I shrug. “Some of the classes are, but I’m in my final year, graduating next December.” I raise my crossed fingers. “Hopefully.”

“I don’t think I ever asked you for what?” He shifts so he’s facing me more than straight ahead now.

“Business. General. Not even sure what I’m going to do.”

His arms stretch out to reach for my hand, his fingers playing with mine between us. “You’ll figure out what you love.”

The warmth of his hand in mine feels good. The way his thumb and fingers glide along my skin. Not smooth but not callused, a mix.

“It’s time,” Abe turns up the volume of the radio.

“Second Date Update,” Reed says, grinning like he’s been waiting all week for another episode.

The rest of the ride in, we listen to a man who doesn’t understand why he never got a call back, only to find out he had texted her asking for a hand job while they were watching a movie at the theater.

Reed looks over at me, waggling those thick but perfect eyebrows at me.

“No,” I mouth with a smile and he threads his fingers through mine, giving them a squeeze.

By the time we pull up to the curb, I no longer want to climb out of the car, content to stay here in close proximity to Reed for a while longer.

“What’s your views on PDA?” Reed asks, not opening the door.

“I’m a hard no.”

“Even with me?”

“Especially with you.” I give him a pointed look.

“Sorry, but it’s Abe or the morning rush?” He points outside where people are walking past with rapid steps, trying to get to work on time.

“I have a text to return.” Abe grabs his cell phone Copyright 2016 - 2024