Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,46

feels so much like a caress that I have to fight to keep my eyes open.

“I can handle it.”

“Of course, you can, but you’re riding into work with me today.” He nods to the car.

“Excuse me?” I pretend I’m annoyed by his proclamation, but in truth, the idea of Reed bossing me around has my nipples peaking. In the bedroom. In all other areas of my life, I prefer my independence.

He opens the door where a smiling Jade and Henry are waiting for me.

“It’s pointless when we’re basically going to the same place and I’ve decided that it’s more convenient this way. I have court tomorrow and I tend to get uptight the day before when I’m prepping. You help with my anxiety. Besides, why would you want to take a train when you can enjoy the pleasure of my company?”

I can’t even control my lips. A full-on smile gives away how much this guy has already won me over.

“I guess since you have it all figured out, I should be thanking you.”

“No thank you necessary.”

I slide into the car and he shuts the door, folding himself into the front passenger seat. I double check Jade’s seatbelt but of course she’s already buckled in.

Three stop signs later, the car pulls up to the curb and Reed gets out first, opening my door before I can.

“Not so manic this Monday, huh?” I eye his already done up tie and tie clip then step out, ignoring the prying eyes of Darcie and Georgia.

“I was so excited to see you, I woke up early.” He winks.

I roll my eyes, not wanting to give away how much I love the way he wears his feelings on his sleeve.

“Have a great day, Jade.” I hug her to me, but she’s already trying to wiggle away from me.

“See you, bud.” Reed fist bumps Henry.

We watch them walk into the school and wave to the principal.

“Get in.” Reed ushers me back in the car, sliding in behind me and shutting the door. “Go, Abe, go!”

The Uber driver looks at Reed much like I am, confused. Where’s the fire?

Knock, knock.

“I’m late, Darcie,” Reed speaks through the glass.

Not a fire exactly but it’s possible she breathes fire because dragon lady is an apt description.

I tighten my lips trying to hold in my laugh and avoid looking at her.

“Reed, I need to talk to Vicki.”

“I’m really sorry, Darcie, there’s no Vicki here.” How he can say it with such a straight face, I have no idea.

“Reed.” Her eyes narrow and the laugh leaves me like an overinflated balloon.

“I need to get to the office. Gotta go.” He faces Abe again. “Just go.”

“Vicki!” she yells, but I just wave my fingers in her direction as the car pulls away.

“It feels good now but come tomorrow she’s going to make my punishment that much worse.” I pull out my phone with the hopes that we’ll each do business on the way in.

“I’ll be your bodyguard.”

“You don’t take Henry to school on Tuesdays.”

He shrugs, his phone buzzing and I watch him pull it from the inside pocket of his suit and read the text. His warm smile disappears and for the first time, I wonder what he’s like in court.

His fingers move over the screen and I turn forward, only to find Abe’s eyes on mine. He smiles, and I smile back, staring out the window as he winds through the streets of the city toward downtown.

I inch forward. “Hi, Abe, I’m Victoria.”

He smiles at me in the mirror again. “Not Vicki?” he asks, amusement creasing the wrinkles around his eyes.

“Definitely not.”

“It’s nice to meet you.”

“Are you on call for this guy?” I thumb in the direction of Reed, who’s still off in lawyer land.

“Every morning. He’s on his own at night.”

“Maybe he’s cheating on you with a Lyft driver?”

Abe chuckles, turning right. “Not Reed.” He winks. “Any music or morning show you prefer to listen to?” His fingers are poised over the controls on his dash.

“No. I’ll just work. Thank you though.”

I slide back in my seat and he turns on a talk radio station.

“This is the best. Turn it up, Abe.” Reed’s bubbly personality is back, and his phone is tucked away. “It’s the Second Date Update.”

Abe ups the volume and the radio personalities are talking to a girl about a date she went on and now she’s complaining that the guy won’t return her phone calls.

“This show will call the guy or girl to see why they’re not returning the Copyright 2016 - 2024