Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,285

down…I guess I’ll learn not to do it again. Not that I’d have to because there will only ever be you.”

Laughs ring out from the crowd.

“But I hope after I’m done with this speech, my little firecracker will let me guide her out onto that balcony and hold her while we watch real fireworks light up the sky. Because my arms are empty without you and my heart is hollow without your love. I miss you, Hannah. I know what we have is complicated and isn’t easy. Trust is hard in any relationship. But you took the chance and got to know the real me. That took courage, but I like to think you got something of a reward by taking that leap.”

He winks and smiles that charming one with all white teeth and bright eyes that wins everyone over. The room laughs again while I feel my face grow hotter.

“Our road may have started out bent in the wrong direction. We straightened it together and if it bends again at some point, I have faith in us that we’ll straighten it back out—together. I made you a promise that if we’re in this relationship, we walk side-by-side. I know you doubt that you’ll ever trust me because of your past. Well, I’m here with my hand out because we will walk that journey together, one day and one step at a time. Any branch that lays in our path, we’ll step over together. Do you get the common theme here?”

The room echoes with laughter again.

Chelsea has made her way over to us with a big smile.

“Isn’t he the cutest?” Lennon says to her.

“Who the hell is this guy?” Jagger Kale, an old friend, comes up on the other side of me. “He belong to you?” The disgust in his voice has me wanting to punch him in the gut.

“You get away from her,” Victoria tells him in her mom voice.

“Yeah, Jagger, don’t ruin the romantic moment,” his wife Quinn says. “Let’s remember you were the asshole at one point, too.”

“That was when I was clueless, and you hadn’t cast your spell over me yet.”

Quinn and Victoria pull him away and their conversation drifts away while I study Roarke.

He tucks his hands back in his pockets before he continues talking. “I’m making another promise to you, Hannah, and you know I don’t break my promises.”

My heart hammers in my chest as everyone’s gazes shift from him to me and back.

“I promise to be one hundred percent invested in our relationship. I promise to love you unconditionally. I promise to be patient with you when your past experiences creep up on you and make you think crazy things.” That one pulls a small smile out of me. “I promise to be the support you need by your side, but never cast a shadow over you. I promise that we will stand united, always.”

The room is silent except for the blood rushing to my head and the loud thumping of my heart. Roarke steps down from the podium, stalking over in my direction.

My throat dries as all eyes follow him until he stands in front of me.

“What do you say, Hannah? Can we give this thing between us a true shot and leave all the bullshit behind us?”

“Kiss him!” someone in the crowd screams and Roarke smiles back at them before turning to me.

“I’d make a promise that I’ll never disappoint you, but I don’t break promises. I can say I’d never do it deliberately. I mean if I bring home the wrong kind of milk or—”

I step forward and press my finger to his lips.

“You love me?” I whisper.

He nods.

“Are you going to make me sign a contract?” My lips tip up and so do his.

“I do like the thought of you being bound to me forever by ink, but I only want you with me if you want to be there. So, do you?”

My heart skips a beat. “I do.”

His hand cradles my cheek, and he steps into my personal space.

“Never push me away again.” He bends his neck to kiss me, but I pull back.

“You don't tell me what to do.”

He chuckles and without saying anything, his lips descend on mine.

“Fireworks!” someone announces.

“I’ve got my own right here,” Roarke murmurs against my lips before dipping his tongue into my mouth.

The footsteps and whispers can be heard heading outside until we’re the only ones left in the room.

Once our kiss draws to a close, Roarke steps back to lead me Copyright 2016 - 2024