Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,220

your phone and only have a select few contacts that you regularly call even though you have fifty times that amount of numbers in your phone.”

He sets the spoon down on the napkin between us and I just stare at him, unable to figure out whether I’m impressed or put off by his little speech.

“That being said, there’s a lot I don’t know. I don’t know what makes you start a foundation like RISE. I don’t know what your late night snack is or your favorite type of sushi. I don’t know what makes you laugh or smile or what little things drive you crazy. So, I might know a lot about your habits, but I want to know you. Hannah Crowley, the gorgeous, intelligent woman in front of me. That’s all.”

I pop a piece of bacon into my mouth trying to act like he didn’t just make the foundation of the wall I’ve built between us shaky. Nope, he most certainly did not.

“You so practiced that.” I sit up straight, letting my gaze fall from his because I’m about two seconds from launching myself over this table on top of him.

“I’m a lawyer, Hannah, half my cases are won from my ability to string together a series of meaningful sentences.”

I shake my fingers in the air, sipping my coffee. “Why do I feel like you have more to add?”

“That was just my opening statement. I have more to add.”

I playfully roll my eyes. “I can only imagine what you’re going to say now.”

He clears his throat. “I’ll make it short.”

“Short doesn’t seem like your style.”

He winks and it starts up the slow-burning hum between my legs.

“We’re here today to talk about Roarke Baldwin pursuing Hannah Crowley. Yes, he was the divorce attorney for her ex-husband. Yes, he did do what was in the best interest of his client. Yes, he had a private investigator follow Ms. Crowley to see if he could obtain any dirt on her. He wants an opportunity to get to know Hannah on a personal basis. He’s offered her a deal because Ms. Crowley would never agree to a date with him otherwise. I’m sure by the end of the five favors, Roarke Baldwin will prove how worthy he is of Hannah Crowley’s time. Whether it’s one date or a million. Whether he gets a kiss or something more. He thinks that by the end of this period, court will see his side of this case.”

“What could that possibly be?” The light humor in my voice surprises me.

“That Roarke Baldwin really is a good guy.” He smiles so wide double dimples crease his cheeks.

I practically melt into his expensive dining chair.

“Good luck with the judge,” I comment, forking a helping of quiche into my mouth to stop myself from doing something stupid.

“I think the judge is softening a little bit.”

“The judge thinks you’re full of shit,” I reply.

His only response is another chuckle that tells me I’m going to need to up my game if I want to come out of this one a winner.

Chapter Ten

“You had to actually sleep in his bed?” Chelsea asks, her eyes narrowed.

What happened to the girl who was jumping around and cheering for me to get together with Roarke?

“Yeah, he doesn’t want the kitten in the guest rooms. Something about allergies and stuff.” I sort through the messages Victoria handed me when I walked in.

“That’s weird and sneaky.”

“It can be considerate, too.” Victoria picks up a folder with the name of the venue on it. “So, at three today we’ll see the venue?”

“Yeah,” I say, setting the messages to the side.

Chelsea sits in my office with her mid-morning snack, a cupcake today.

“The considerate thing would have been to let her sleep in a guest room.”

“Technically, the considerate thing would be to give her the venue without the five favors. So, in this case, I think we shouldn’t be surprised.”

Victoria has a point.

Chelsea nods in agreement.

“How did Lucy and the kitten do?” Victoria asks.

I fall back into my chair. “Oh, they’re the best of friends. The cat slept in Lucy’s bed with her both nights. I think Lucy might have been depressed after we left yesterday. She wasn’t herself.”

“I really hope he’s not a creep and doesn’t wash the sheets you slept in or something. What if he’s some weird Dahmer kinda guy and he’s masturbating in the pillowcase you slept on?”

Victoria and I stop and look at her.

She dips her finger into the frosting and sucks it off her Copyright 2016 - 2024