Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,202

deliver his rebuttal. “You know what? Never mind. The divorce is over and I’m rid of that name now. It is what it is, but I will assure you, Mr. Baldwin, I do not need your help now, nor do I need your assistance in the future. Thank you for your kind offer, but we’re fine.”

The fucking bastard smiles like I just jerked him off until his cum dripped down my fingers like a melted ice cream cone.

“All right then. I’ll leave you ladies to figure out a solution yourselves.” He slides out of the booth with the finesse of a man who’s never suffered from clumsiness.

“Goodnight, Mr. Baldwin.”

“Han… Ms. Crowley.” His knuckles rap on the wood of the tabletop, his eyes still taking me in.

Saliva puddles in my mouth but I refuse to swallow. I’ll never let him witness my physical attraction to him.

“Is there something else, Mr. Baldwin?” My eyes train on his, the ache between my thighs growing.

“Should things change, you know where to find me.” He winks and Chelsea’s eyes follow him for a moment. Since the booth behind me doesn’t shift, I assume he’s moved on to make the people on the other side of the room miserable with his presence.

Usually, I’d resort to curse words and another drink or two after reliving my divorce with the man who facilitated it, but the ladies need to trust that their boss can handle an egotistical male who’s trying to be the white knight galloping in to save the day.

“Holy shit,” Chelsea says, her hands clutching her stomach like she’s about to vomit. “I thought Dean and I were intense. You two.”

“Chels.” My tone holds a warning.

“Good for you, Hannah. He can go suck it.” Victoria downs the rest of her Vesper.

I smile politely at Victoria. Chelsea’s still awestruck, her eyes having a hard time not veering over to Roarke.

“He’s just so…” Chelsea never learning her lesson continues to ramble. “Commanding.” Her eyes sweep over ours. “Like he’d do nasty stuff to you, but you’d enjoy every minute and then end up begging for more.”

I don’t disagree with Chelsea. Roarke Baldwin screams ‘strap me to a bed and show me how a real man does it.’ Not that I would say that. Ever.

No, I’d fall to my knees and show him exactly how a woman can transform him into making her breakfast the next morning. But if I let one toe dip in that water, I’m sure he’ll swallow me up like a hungry crocodile. That’s why the electric fence is between us, so it can zap me every time my damn lady parts want to take a dip.

“Chels. Dean?” Victoria reminds her of her fiancé.

Chelsea waves her hand in the air and rolls her eyes. “Please, Dean knows he’s the only one for me. I’ll tell him all about Roarke Baldwin when I get home and he’ll probably be extra alpha tonight to prove he’s the real man.” She looks absolutely giddy thinking about it. A flush appears on her cheeks as though she’s imagining what he’ll do to her. “I give Hannah credit though. I would’ve crumbled and I’m a hard case to break.”

“Chelsea, all Dean had to do was get you alone in his office,” Victoria says.

Her cheeks redden even more.

Sometimes I wonder what if? What if I wouldn’t have settled with Todd? What would fate have brought my way if I’d stayed single?

Roarke Baldwin?

My subconscious needs a real talking to.

“Chelsea, I don’t care what you have to do. I’ll pay whatever the cost. Find me a venue,” I say, shifting the conversation back to business.

She nods, knowing we’re shifting into go time.

I hired her because I saw her capability of turning no’s into yes’s so I feel assured that she won’t fail me now. There’s no way I can go to Roarke Baldwin and let the man have one up on me. At least not without losing my dignity.

Chapter Three

When I arrive at the office the following morning, Chelsea’s in her office carrying on and on to Victoria.

Usually, I’d be happy to listen, but I need her on her A-game this morning. I don’t need to hear about the mind-blowing sex performance of Dean last night.

Dropping my bags on the chair in front of Victoria’s desk, I make my way down the short hallway to join them.

“Look at me. I can’t stop.” I hear Chelsea chuckle.

“You’re glowing,” Victoria says.

“You can’t what? Stop smiling. Enough with the—” My heels stop on the carpet and Copyright 2016 - 2024