Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,197

not? I saw a bunch of zeros before I put it in my purse.”

We laugh.

“Our mission is to reach as many girls as possible. So, I think it’s something we should consider.” Hannah leans back in her chair. “Now here are three guys who could probably put your Unicorn Cock vibrator to shame, Chelsea.”

I turn my head toward the door and in walks Mauro, Cristian, and Luca Bianco, all of them dressed in shorts and t-shirts. Sweaty but probably still smelling entirely edible.

Not as much as Dean though. No one can beat that guy in my books.

“Hey, Bianco brothers,” I call out.

They each stop, wide welcoming smiles on their mouths.

“Chelsea, I heard a rumor about you.” Luca eyes my left hand. “And it’s true, huh? Dean’s going to make an honest woman of you?”

“Again?” Cristian asks.

Mauro hits him in the stomach. “Great news.” He bends down and kisses my cheek.


He doesn’t pull away right away. “I’ll leave the other rumor to myself.” He winks telling me his brothers haven’t heard that there’s a little one holding its own in my belly. So far so good. Knock on wood.

“Thank you for that.”

“Luca!” their mom yells and points from behind the counter.

“Seriously, have you not heard about the loser line?” Cristian follows his brother over to his mom. Once he’s hugged her, he heads to the back while Mrs. Bianco lectures her youngest son for the millionth time about giving his hookups the deli number.

“Aren’t you mackadocious.” Lennon looks up to Mauro.

He studies her for a second. “Thank you?”

“Definitely a compliment. I mean you don’t hold a candle to my man, but I imagine you’d make a great hero in a romance book.” She winks and then sits down in her chair.

“Doesn’t the hero always end up falling head over heels for a girl?” Mauro asks.

“Yep,” me, Victoria, and Lennon say in unison.

“Yeah, I’m not sure about that then.” His hand grips my shoulder. “I need to get to work, just stopped by for a sandwich. Have a great day ladies.” He nods.

“Your man?” Lennon asks, and I catch sight of Dean and Reed crossing over from the courthouse, already assuming we’d be here.

“No, that’s my man.” Dean walks in with a smile on his face as Reed’s going on about something. Probably baseball.

“Oh, I do love a briefcake,” Lennon says. When we all look at her for an explanation, she says, “You know a beefcake in a suit?’ “Truthfully, I like them in just about anything.”

Dean kisses me on the cheek and as usual, his hand runs over my stomach.

Reed grabs a chair and sits next to Victoria, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. “How’s your day?”

“Better now,” she says.

I give the introductions, the guys shaking hands with Lennon. “You guys are so sick in love.” Lennon’s gaze pings around. “Where’s your man, Hannah?”

“Oh, I don’t need a man.” She waves off Lennon’s question.

“I agree with that, but a warm body is nice from time to time. My guess is you’re next?”

“Yeah, never again,” Hannah says.

“Oh, don’t worry, everyone knows you save the best for last,” Lennon says with another wink.

“There’s always something unique with the first,” Victoria chimes in.

“Everyone knows the middle one is the best. The first is practice, the third they throw all rules out. The middle is where the gold is.” I laugh.

Lennon and Hannah look at one another. “Nah, last is the best.”

Just then a guy walks in. Tall, dark wavy hair, piercing hazel eyes, all decked out in a suit. It takes him no time at all for him to find her. Although she can’t see him, his smile widens, and he approaches the table, bending down to kiss the back of her neck.

She startles and whips around. “You’re lucky I didn’t karate chop your nuts!”

He laughs. “After eight years I would hope you’d know my lips from another man’s.”

“Oh, I know your lips, Mr. Banks.”

They share another kiss and it’s nice to see a couple together so long still so in love.

“Brady called and Bianca is acting like she’s the CEO, telling Evan what to do. Saying he’s the mail boy.”

Lennon can’t fight the smile. “I told you she’ll be the youngest female entrepreneur on record.”

“With her brother doing all the dirty work.”

We all laugh. “They have Santora sausage here. Want one?” she asks her husband as he grabs a chair from a nearby table and drags it over. Seeing the table shrinking, Reed and Jasper pull another table over. The guys go Copyright 2016 - 2024