Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,192

line, fighting for dominance.

When he pulls away, he reaches for my hand and starts to lead me inside.

“I can’t wait to see what pregnancy is going to do to your hormones,” he says.

Rather than smack him on the chest, I laugh because I can’t wait to see either.

Chapter Thirty-Three

“You’re actually supposed to be at table seven.”

Dean glances away from the kid’s table and over to the table full of Beckett and Skylar’s friends from skiing. People we’ve seen on commercials and who have impressive careers in the limelight.

“I’m surprised I get to sit with the cool kids.” He kisses my cheek. “Although I wish I was next to you.”

“Dean! Dean!” Molly runs over, grabbing onto his suit jacket sleeve.

“What’s up, Molly?” Dean asks, holding his hand up for a high five.

She goes to hit it and he moves it away. “I hope you can do better than that?” she asks.

“Whoa, did I just get dissed by a little kid?” he looks back at me baffled.

“I’m not little.” Molly puts on the attitude that matches her mother’s.

“Sorry, big kid.” Dean puts his hands up in front of him.

“Come on.” She pulls on his jacket.

“Where am I going?” he asks as he pretends to fight back.

“Your card says table nine,” Molly says.

Dean pretends to put an arm out to me as though he needs saving.

“What do I tell the cool kids?” I ask with a laugh.

“Tell them I found cooler kids to hang out with.” He winks. “Save me a dance.”

Then he turns around and goes with Molly, pulling out the chair for her and then takes the other. A minute later, I can see that Molly introducing him and he’s leaned over the table asking for high fives from all the kids.

“I’m still not sure, but I suppose he does seem different.” My mom comes to stand alongside me.

“Don’t be too apologetic there, Mother.”

An older image of myself stands beside me looking elegant and sophisticated. Everything she wants people to think she is. So worried about outside appearances rather than the inside. If our relationship had been different, I would’ve told her about what the doctor said after my first miscarriage. Maybe she would’ve done more research than I did at the time and we would’ve found out some people have successful pregnancies. Maybe she would’ve taught me what it was like to be a mother, rather than showing me the type of mother I don’t want to be.

“Well.” She straightens the shoulder of my dress. “It is nice to tell my friends my daughter’s boyfriend is a lawyer.”

“Even though she’s pregnant out of wedlock?”

Her face morphs into stone. “I assumed there’d be a wedding. I mean the two of you went off and got married in a rush when there was no baby. Surely my grandchild won’t be born with me not knowing which name to ask for at the hospital, his or her mother’s or father’s.”

“I don’t know, Mom, I like to keep you on your toes.” I pat her on the shoulder. “There’s no ring on this finger yet.” I hold up my left hand.

“Chelsea,” she warns.

My eyes go wide, stepping farther and farther away from her. She’ll never raise her voice.

“Have a great night, Mom.” I find my seat at the head table.

“I see I was right.” Mikey pretends to straighten his collar like he’s the shit.

“He’s here, yes.”

“All kissed and made up?”

I elbow him in the ribcage. “Yes.”

“Good to know.” His phone buzzes to life in his pocket.

“For heaven’s sake, Mikey, what the hell is going on? Who do you have to talk to so much?”

“What can I say, I’m popular.” He shrugs.

I roll my eyes. “Uh-huh.”

For the entire meal and through all the speeches, my eyes find Dean from across the room. We share a smile every time we catch one of us looking at the other. He’s the highlight of the evening at table nine based on the fact that the kids are all laughing hysterically and have the other tables giving them dirty looks.

“Seems like it’s not only you he can win over,” Mikey whispers, rising from his chair. “I’m going to the bar.”

“Wish I could join you.”

“See you in nine months.” He laughs stepping off the stage, disappearing to the bar that’s located outside the dining area.

Dean stands and places his napkin on his chair and nods for me to join him outside.

Since all my responsibilities as bridesmaid are over, I follow Mikey out the doors. More people funnel out toward the Copyright 2016 - 2024