Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,178

“You guys use condoms?”

“First off, I had an IUD, they’re like ninety-nine percent effective.”

I ignore the boulder in my stomach reminding me that it’s not the getting pregnant part that’s my problem.

“Not if it falls out,” she adds helpfully.

I stand, wishing I would’ve said nothing to her.

“I should call the doctor and see when they can get me in.” I head to my office, my heels clicking on the floor.

“I’d be happy to go with you.” She calls out from her desk.

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine. Plus, you don’t want to be there when my hoo-hah is all open for investigation.” I shut the door to my office, sit in my chair and the entire memory flashes in my head like a car crash. Slow motion and just as hurtful and painful. I cannot go through this again when Dean and I are just now getting to a good place.

I pull out my cell phone, seeing a text from Dean, but ignore it since the doctor is more important at this point.

The receptionist puts me on hold forever, but after I explain what happened, she gives me an appointment for the next day at three. Not ideal, but I’ll take what I can.

I pull the text from Dean up.

Dean: What do you want for dinner?

Such a simple question. One he’s sent me before, but this time I see the path we’re going down. My apartment sits deserted most of the time since Dean’s is closer to downtown and about ten times as nice.

Me: I’m thinking about chilling at home tonight. Is that cool?

The three dots appear and then disappear until another text pops up.

Dean: You want alone time?

I stare at my computer for a second, staring at the selfie I took of me and Dean by the lakefront two weeks ago.

Me: Well…

I type and then I delete.

Dean: It’s cool if you do. My hand doesn’t do nearly the job your mouth does, but I’m sure you can make up for it next time. LOL

Me: Assumptions, assumptions.

Dean: In all seriousness, I’m good with you wanting a night alone. I can take care of myself.

A small part of me is saying tell him, tell him, tell him that if you come over, there is no sex because you have no idea where the little thingy that’s not supposed to come out went. The other part says, but if we tell him, he’s going to think we could be pregnant and then goodbye easy times and hello dredging up the past.

Me: I just have to hammer down some things here and I might go and crash. I’ll definitely be up for some phone sex though.

Dean: Well then, I’ll practice my deep gruff voice and sharpen up my dirty talk.

Me: Your dirty talk is just fine.

Dean: Not when I can’t use my hands and mouth at the same time.

I laugh, my thumbs poised on the screen.

Me: Then it’s a date. Ten o’clock. You call me.

Dean: Have Rambo ready to go. ;) See you at ten.

I wait for more, but there’s nothing. Maybe Dean really has changed because years ago he would’ve protested any time apart.

Two hours later, Victoria walks into my office with a black box with a pink ribbon wrapped around it. “Another special delivery.” She places it on the corner of my desk.

I snatch the note off and it only reads:

For your eyes only.

“Thanks, Vic.” I sit back down at my desk and return to the email I was sending.

She clears her throat.

“Sorry, it’s private.” I glance over to her.

Her smile falters. “Oh, I see how it is. Let me guess that’s not going in the trash.” She smiles and then grabs the knob of the door. “I’ll shut this for your privacy.”

I circle in my chair and the smile won’t wipe off my face. “Thanks.”

She nods and playfully rolls her eyes before closing the door.

My chair almost crashes into the wall behind me from how fast I spring up to my feet. I untie the ribbon and tear off the matching pink tissue paper and then collapse back into my chair.

“Oh. My. God.”

My feet tap on the floor and I can barely hold in the scream I’m dying to let out. This man knows me better than I know myself.

I pick up the piece of paper labeled Instructions.

Use the bath salts to take a long and warm bath at nine o’clock.

Soak until the water runs luke warm.

Dry yourself with the towel.

Lotion your body up with my favorite smell on you.

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