Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,169

the type. Not the adrenaline junkie jock like you were.”

I laugh and look at Dean wondering why he hasn’t responded. His eyes are set on the chairs in our waiting area, unblinking.

“Or the way you still are.” My mom’s voice rings out and I whip my head around to see her standing from a chair. She straightens her blouse by the tails and slides her purse up her arm. “Chelsea, may I speak with you?”

“I’ve got phone calls to answer, but here you go,” Victoria says, putting a cup of coffee on the table in front of my mom.

“Sorry, I—I didn’t know you were coming.”

What do I say?

“Chelsea.” My mom’s tone becomes more impatient. “Office. Now.”

Dean doesn’t reach for my hand. If anything, he distances himself.

“You remember Dean?” I ask her. No sense ignoring the pink elephant in the room, or ex-husband as it were.

Her gaze flicks to his. “Nice to see you coherent.” Then her eyes are back on me with a look that demands privacy now.

Dean steps forward, putting his arm out. “Mrs. Walsh, it’s nice to see you again.”

My mom stares at his outstretched hand and for a moment I think she’ll never shake it. Eventually, she does, and Dean puts his hand back in his pocket.

“Dean’s a lawyer now. He’s doing pro bono work for the foundation.”

“Interesting.” She fake smiles.

“I better get back to the office.” Dean steps forward and I rear back. Then I bend forward and his head tilts back. After an awkward dance, his lips make contact with my cheek. “Dresser offer still stands,” he whispers, and a smile graces my lips.

“Mrs. Walsh.” He nods like some trained elitist. “Please give Mr. Walsh my best.”

“Dean,” she says the four letter word like it is the four letter word.

He steps out, catching my eye before he leaves. Can we please go back to a half hour ago?

“Your office. Now.” Mom heads down the hall without waiting for me.

“Hey, Vic, hold all my calls.”

Victoria gives me a ‘I’m sorry’ smile. It’s not her fault. I’m sure when I check my phone there’ll be messages from her.

By the time I enter my office, my mom is on my side of the desk.

“Shut the door,” she demands like we’re in her office, not mine.

Nonetheless, I follow her instructions.

She hasn’t even heard the click of the door before she’s laying into me. “How could you? He’s the worst person for you. What are you, going to marry him again?”

“Just relax. He’s changed.”

“He’s changed.” She throws her hands up in the air. “A tiger doesn’t change his stripes, Chelsea. He’s still that selfish bastard who let you down five years ago. A man who can’t take care of himself, let alone a wife.”

“I’m twenty-five. Do I have to remind you of that?” I clench my fists by my side in an effort to control my anger.

“Funny. You said that same line to me when you were eighteen and newly married.” She sits in my chair, taking a calming breath and then sets her focus on me. “Chelsea, just because he’s some lawyer now and dresses in nicer clothes than baseball shorts and t-shirts doesn’t mean the inside of that package has changed. You’re a smart woman, he’s just always had this power over you.”

“Because I love him,” I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest.

“You do not. Don’t let him convince you to feel things you don’t.” Her hand slaps down on the desk and I jolt.

“He’s not, Mom. I do. I love him. I love who he was five years ago, and I love him for the person he’s become. I knew you wouldn’t accept this.”

“There’s nothing to accept.”

“There is. We’re in a relationship.” I bring my hands back down to my sides and puff my chest out. “He just offered me a drawer at his place.”

“How sweet of the man.” She rolls her eyes. “Come back down to Earth, Chelsea. You’re sleeping with him, so he’s offering you a drawer so you can sleep with him some more.” She stands and leans toward me with her hands pressed down on my desk.

“Did you ever think that maybe I was as important to him as he is to me and that’s why he offered a drawer?”

I can’t believe I’m having an argument with her over a drawer.

“I think that men like Dean get what they want no matter how many lies they have to tell people to get it. I think as soon as he’s done, he’ll leave Copyright 2016 - 2024