Charity Case - The Complete Series - Piper Rayne Page 0,151

to the bathrooms, I wait outside and when a man comes out I stop him.

“Anyone else in there?”

“Well, lady I’m an eyes-front kinda guy.” He steps away and then turns back around. “But I think I was alone.”

My shoulders sag and I refresh what I saw in my mind. He ducked under the awnings and I saw him walk through a door.

Leaving McDonald’s and looking like a lost girl from Kansas, I search for any other door he might have gone into. I pull out my phone, when I see nothing—no other signs that indicate there’s another food joint in the building—figuring I’ll forget the element of surprise, and just text him.

Me: Hey, where are you eating for lunch?

I wait for the three dots as people rush by me talking about their bosses, their schedules, their kids, their marriages. It’s Monday, which means there isn’t much optimism to be found even with the nice weather.

A nicely dressed woman opens up a door down from me and I quickly follow. Maybe that’s where he went.

She walks up a set of stairs, turning when she hears me and smiles. I return her smile.

Is this creepy? A little. Desperate? So much so I don’t want to admit it to myself.

She turns right into a room and I follow. My feet freeze when I enter the room.

“Are you new?” A man approaches me from behind. How did I not hear him?


“No need to be shy. Come on in.” He ushers me into the room.

“I think I’m in the wrong place,” I say, trying to move back the way I came.

I freeze when I spot the woman in the short skirt and revealing blouse talking to Dean at a table with coffee and sandwiches placed in the middle. His lips are straight as she carries on about something.

I glance around the room. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I mumble.

The circle of chairs.

A man at the front says hello to a few people and heads lift in his direction because he’s the man in charge.

No. This cannot be happening.

I back step quietly as everyone moves to their seats. I’m thankful Dean hasn’t seen me yet.

“Please, come in. You don’t have to speak,” the counselor waves me in and all eyes, including Dean’s, land on me.

He tilts his head, one eyebrow raised.

“I, um…”

Speak Chelsea. Speak!

“I was you once, I understand. Come and sit by me.” The woman who was talking with Dean stands and loops her arm through mine, guiding me to a chair right across from Dean.

Our eyes meet and the smirk on his lips says he’s never going to let me live this down.

Chapter Eighteen

“If she doesn’t want to join, I don’t think we should force her,” Dean says. The entire room stares at him like he’s an asshole.

“Don’t be silly.” The woman seated beside me shoots him a mean look and then directs her attention back to me. “I’m Pam and just stay and listen.”

“I can’t.” I rush to my feet. “I’m very sorry. It was by accident that I ended up here and I shouldn’t hear the things that are talked about here.”

Pam’s head rears back.

“What do you think this is?” Dean asks, the smile unable to stop playing on his lips. “We could be a swinging group looking for new members.”

I narrow my eyes at him and then look at the instructor.

“This is Alcohol Anonymous?” He nods.

“I’m not an alcoholic.”

The instructor stands. “Can I ask why you’re here then?”

My eyes flick to Dean, the instructor follows my gaze.

“You know Dean?”

“She’s my ex-wife.” For some reason, hearing Dean call me his ex out loud hurts. We’ve come so far from that word, but how can I be mad? It’s the truth.

All their shoulders fall and their eyes swim with apology.

No. Nope. Not doing this.

How much has he told them about me? About us?

“I’m very sorry for intruding,” I say and rush out before anyone can put their arm around me or try to comfort me.

Dean follows me, which I expected I suppose.

“Chels,” he calls out to the empty hall.

“I’m so sorry, I went to your building to surprise you for lunch and then I was trying to catch up to you and followed you here.”

“Why did you follow me? Because you didn’t trust me?” He pushes his hands into his pockets.

“I yelled to get your attention but there was so much noise on the street and then I texted you and you never answered.”

He pulls out his phone and nods. “I silence Copyright 2016 - 2024