Chaotic (Imperfect Perfection) - By C.A. Williams Page 0,14

but kept a smile on my face. I knew this would be coming, and I wasn’t sure if I was prepared for it.

I just had to keep reminding myself that this would only be for a couple of months and then eventually I would be able to prove myself. I was hell-bent on getting my credit cards and car back. I wasn’t quite sure how I would live without them.

“You’re going to need to earn our trust first of all. The things your father has told us, well, are simply unacceptable. Grandma all ready has all of the information for your enrollment. Apparently, that stepfather of yours was able to pull some strings and get you in at the last minute. You just need to go to the registration office on Monday. We expect you to check in every day to let us know how your classes are going and so we can make sure that you are keeping up with your studies. I picked up a bus schedule for you while I was in town, so that should be helpful.”

Whoa, hold up. The bus? That word alone made me break out in hives. I was seriously going to have to ride on a bus? Didn’t they know how germ-infested those things were? The look of horror that passed over my face must not have fazed Grandpa because he continued on.

“You will also help your grandmother around the house with chores on the weekends in between studying. Now, I understand you’re still young and you’re going to want to do things with friends, that’s understandable, but we need to know what you’re doing and who you’re doing them with at all times.”

Yeah, right. I figured I could behave myself for the most part, but there was no way in hell my grandparents would be knowing my whereabouts every single minute of the day. I let out a deep breath. “Okay, I don’t think I’ll have any problems following those rules.” Hopefully. Sometimes I just needed an escape, but I’m sure if I explained that to Grandpa, he wouldn’t find my explanation acceptable.

“And one last thing,” he added, wagging a finger at me. “You will be attending church with us every Sunday.”

“Wh-at?” I stammered out. “I can’t do that.” I couldn’t remember the last time I had been to church and I was pretty sure if I stepped into one, I would probably catch on fire.

“Adelaide, God is very forgiving. Now is the time that you need to be looking for guidance and the church is one of the best places for that. It is not up for discussion, so be ready at nine o’clock sharp.” He pushed in his chair and stood with his plate in his hand before heading to the kitchen. Grams gave me a small, reassuring smile before doing the same, leaving me at the table alone.

Today had been exhausting to say the least, and I had so much to look forward to tomorrow. Maybe thinking I would get a fresh start here was completely wrong. It seemed like my past would always catch up with me.

Chapter 6

Church had been…interesting. I was introduced to just about every member there, very few being under the age of thirty. I couldn’t help but think that everyone was judging me as I sat there, but they all seemed friendly enough.

I collapsed on the porch swing when my grandparents dropped me off before heading into town and squeezed my eyes shut. I wasn’t used to getting up that early and had caught myself falling asleep on more than one occasion. I really needed to rest up for tomorrow since it would be moving day, and I would be meeting my two roommates that I knew absolutely nothing about. Fun times.

“Della?” A deep voice called out forcing me to open my eyes, and I sat up straight when I saw who was standing in front of me.

He, of course, had changed over the years, but those brown eyes still twinkled with amusement and I would recognize them anywhere. His nose still remained crooked, which I knew for a fact was that way because a certain girl had punched him square in the nose for insulting her frilly pink dress.

He had grown over the years and was now most certainly even taller than me. He was lean and fit but not too muscular that he looked like a body builder, and I noticed the cords in his arms when he reached one hand Copyright 2016 - 2024